slowly edging into onederland

Aug 14, 2010 10:38

I lost 2.8 pounds this week. I can't believe it. I was expecting another pound loss week, but ... almost three. WOW. So now I weigh 201. Two pounds away from my Sept. 1 goal of 199. This is looking even more possible!

So I did this without focusing on my weight, but instead focusing on my fitness. Seeing what my body could do. Pushing a little harder when I do my jogging intervals. Gearing up to start c25k next week. Doing my 200 situps program. Yoga every day, holding the poses as long as I can and really going with the flow. Doing pushups during the Shiva Rea yoga.

Food -- I have been staying within my calorie range at least 5-6 days out of 7. I've slipped up a couple of times but I've really started looking at it as a challenge to get all the nutrients I need without too many calories and balancing my carbs, proteins, and good fats. I am really enjoying planning and cooking healthy meals. I love SP's recipes.

Last night I had Chef Meg's chicken in red wine sauce, brown rice, and fresh steamed green beans. It was so good! Not only am I getting healthier, but my mom and daughter are eating what I'm cooking and enjoying it, too. It feels good cooking for my family. Before, I'd buy pre-packaged frozen pastas loaded with bad stuff, the kind you just heat up in a skillet or a pot. I didn't have the energy to cook! Now I have so much more energy and I'm enjoying spending the time to cook and eat healthy.

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look good naked, sparkpeople

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