(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 22:08


You have just entered room "chat36289032021411542816."
spiteful desire has entered the room.
paranoidlovers X has entered the room.
SushiChica: Fwee! ^_^
BunnyHunny366: hello!!!
paranoidlovers X: heyy
spiteful desire: let's get to dissing people!
BunnyHunny366: do you tink andrew's afraid?
BunnyHunny366: think*
spiteful desire: probably
spiteful desire: aaaaaaandreeeeeeewwwww.....
paranoidlovers X: well I don't know
spiteful desire: PUSSY!
BunnyHunny366: lol
idunno92890 has entered the room.
BunnyHunny366: YES!
spiteful desire: yay!
idunno92890: hey
spiteful desire: heyyo
BunnyHunny366: hahaha whats up
SushiChica: Greetings.
idunno92890: not much
idunno92890: tired
SushiChica: Shit. DS...cousin...screen...ewwwww!
BunnyHunny366: lol are you prepared for the many insults
BunnyHunny366: ?
idunno92890: god no
BunnyHunny366: lol
spiteful desire: no *cough* trees? or did you use them all up?
paranoidlovers X: everyone should like, die and listen to tegan and sara
idunno92890: lol
spiteful desire: which comes first, yazzy?
SushiChica: Fwee!
BunnyHunny366: ?.?
SushiChica: XD Never mind.
BunnyHunny366: yeah so how are the kids andrew?
paranoidlovers X: huh?
SushiChica: Dude, San Diego is...awesomeness.
paranoidlovers X: death, I believe
SushiChica: Wait, kids, what?
idunno92890: kids are good
idunno92890: if i had em
BunnyHunny366: nice no tree diseases?
spiteful desire: especially from different trees
BunnyHunny366: cuz i heard there was an outburst of tree herpes goin around
spiteful desire: y'know, those tree mites are vicious
idunno92890: its true
BunnyHunny366: lol
idunno92890: lol
spiteful desire: tell me, what type of protection does one use on a tree?
BunnyHunny366: it depends if hes sexing a guy tree or a girl tree
idunno92890: its difficult
spiteful desire: against TSTDs?
paranoidlovers X: OHMYGOD limewire is sexually perverted
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: Why?
spiteful desire: what if the guy tree is sexing you?
BunnyHunny366: no shit
SushiChica: Well, I mean, I know. But why?
paranoidlovers X: well, in the sense that it takes forever to download thigns
BunnyHunny366: lol
spiteful desire: i uninstalled it.
paranoidlovers X: I mean, not about all the extra porn that shows up when you search for tree
spiteful desire: it was being a cunt
idunno92890: mmm
idunno92890: to the one 2 statements up
spiteful desire: da?
SushiChica: XD
BunnyHunny366: ?
BunnyHunny366: o.O
spiteful desire: da! da! DA!
idunno92890: $.$
SushiChica: So, I woke up to screaming curses today. It was interesting.
paranoidlovers X: da, baby DA!!!
spiteful desire: i like curses
idunno92890: voodoo curses?
spiteful desire: especially
spiteful desire: i use hair for my voodoo
idunno92890: yipee for vooodoo
paranoidlovers X: I want the ocean right now
spiteful desire: i want to push people off cliffs right now
paranoidlovers X: I don't like what I see
BunnyHunny366: yes  I make a voodoo of andrw and get a needle and put it in his eye
SushiChica: The ocean is about...5 minutes away from me.
idunno92890: all the ocean is good for is baby seals and whale blubber
SushiChica: Baby seals are good.
spiteful desire: a needle for the dick is more of my specialty
idunno92890: especially when you eat em
SushiChica: ...I thought...but...rusty spoon?
idunno92890: the seals
spiteful desire: true
SushiChica: You...eat everything cute.
SushiChica: XDDDDDD
paranoidlovers X: I love how I'm just spurting out random song lyrics and people are conversing about it
idunno92890: mmhmm
BunnyHunny366: whoa
spiteful desire: but if you want to extinguish a boner, voodoo is better
BunnyHunny366: that could be misturpreted
SushiChica: Yeah, we're good at that.
SushiChica: XDD Well duh.
BunnyHunny366: spiteful desire: a needle for the dick is more of my specialtyidunno92890: especially when you eat em
paranoidlovers X: you could just fuck the person with the boner
BunnyHunny366: SushiChica: You...eat everything cute.
paranoidlovers X: that takes care of that
spiteful desire: depends on who it is
BunnyHunny366: i dont think its cute
BunnyHunny366: i'm sorry
BunnyHunny366: lol
paranoidlovers X: boners aren't cute...
spiteful desire: not really
paranoidlovers X: but that's my humble opinion
idunno92890: discuss...
spiteful desire: why?
BunnyHunny366: ?
idunno92890: reroutin
spiteful desire: dell sucks major dick
spiteful desire: that's my two cents
BunnyHunny366: sure
paranoidlovers X: dicks are a symbol of female repression
BunnyHunny366: o.O
spiteful desire: i apologize for my vulgarity
idunno92890: please refrain from profanity
BunnyHunny366: hahahaha
spiteful desire: fuck you
BunnyHunny366: FUCKER
idunno92890: HEY
spiteful desire: PUSSY!
idunno92890: /kick
idunno92890: /ban
spiteful desire: i'm sorry, i love to swear
SushiChica: As do I.
paranoidlovers X: fuckshithelldamncuntpussycocsucker
SushiChica: I swear, I left for 3 minutes to talk to a friend...
SushiChica: ...you forgot the 'k' yazzy
idunno92890: every curse word you say you kill my ancestors over and over and over...
paranoidlovers X: I noticed
paranoidlovers X: but I'm too lazy to fix it
SushiChica: We like killing ancestors.
BunnyHunny366: fuck
BunnyHunny366: fuck
spiteful desire: keep at it, then
BunnyHunny366: shit
BunnyHunny366: cunt
idunno92890: ow
spiteful desire: fucker
idunno92890: ow
spiteful desire: shit
idunno92890: ow
spiteful desire: damn
spiteful desire: cunt
idunno92890: i give up
paranoidlovers X: fuckin chatroom
SushiChica: =] We win.
BunnyHunny366: is he dead yet?
spiteful desire: you're next!
paranoidlovers X: it's not updating!
paranoidlovers X: aaah!
BunnyHunny366: me..?..
SushiChica: No, hold on.
spiteful desire: i especially like the word cunt
idunno92890: i updated ur mom
spiteful desire: c
spiteful desire: u
spiteful desire: n
spiteful desire: t
idunno92890: pwn't!!
BunnyHunny366: o.O
BunnyHunny366: yeah right
SushiChica: Diana...
idunno92890: like, um, wow
SushiChica: We can REALLY poison his mind...
BunnyHunny366: but anyways has the sequoia given you enough pleasure
BunnyHunny366: ?
spiteful desire: but my mom decided to uninstall the upgrade, andrew
SushiChica: With that shit we were talking about this afternoon...
idunno92890: well, i already put a virus in her
spiteful desire: yes!
SushiChica: But that's...traumatizing.
idunno92890: rofl rofl rofl rofl
SushiChica: Okay, shoot.
spiteful desire: i have a question for andrew!
SushiChica: Does it involve Dickhead?
BunnyHunny366: go right ahead
idunno92890: spit it out
spiteful desire: do you think it's uncomfortable to jack off in a sleeping bag?
SushiChica: It looses the effect if he doesn't know who Dickhead is, though...
spiteful desire: HE WILL NEVER KNOW
SushiChica: XDDDDD okay, that was good in itself...
BunnyHunny366: lol
idunno92890: /kick /ban /murder
SushiChica: Fine, fine, I'll shut up.
SushiChica: We also had some questions about car masturbation...
spiteful desire: okay, what would it be like to have a wet dream in a sleeping bag?
paranoidlovers X: car masturbation?
paranoidlovers X: that wouldn't be practically
idunno92890: masturbation is a sin
paranoidlovers X: it's like, "I'm gonna have an orgasm!!!  HOOOOOONK!!!"
idunno92890: my 2c
spiteful desire: no, i think dickhead masturbates to lesbian porn in his tent with a bottle of wine next to him
SushiChica: XDDDDD
BunnyHunny366: o.O
SushiChica: Fuck yes.
spiteful desire: yazzy, you crack me up
SushiChica: I luff Yazzy.
idunno92890: whos dickhead?
idunno92890: cartoon character?
SushiChica: And...Andrew, from someone who eats seals and humps trees...you have no right to talk about sin.
SushiChica: And...you...will never know.
idunno92890: ...point taken
paranoidlovers X: I'm luffed and I crack people!
paranoidlovers X: Yay!
SushiChica: Oh, and you eat kittens.
SushiChica: Crack people...XDD
SushiChica: Eating kittens = Bad
idunno92890: mm crack
spiteful desire: no he kills kitten when he mastubates
SushiChica: It turns him on.
idunno92890: please refrain from profanity
spiteful desire: he likes kitten-on-tree porn
SushiChica: He impales them on his spiky tree
paranoidlovers X: yummy
idunno92890: good god
spiteful desire: it's only andrew...
SushiChica: Shouldn't we be expecting this?
idunno92890: geez, im the most humble, sin-free person on the planet
idunno92890: how dare you
BunnyHunny366: the tree just called it said that it has Herpes sorry Andrew
SushiChica: Psh. How dare we? You really have to ask?
spiteful desire: WHORE
SushiChica: JT gave me myspace Herpes...-.-;;
idunno92890: d'oh
BunnyHunny366: o.O
SushiChica: XP
idunno92890: i have a confession, im scientologist
paranoidlovers X: jesus loves you!
SushiChica: ...
idunno92890: a scientologist*
spiteful desire: don't be bitter because you got gonorrhea from an oak...
BunnyHunny366: o,O
idunno92890: yes, i believe in aliens
SushiChica: ...We are so fucked up.
spiteful desire: i belive in tonic
idunno92890: and the good Lord L. Ron Hubberd or hubbard or somethin
idunno92890: something*
spiteful desire: YOUR SISTER'S GONE OUT
spiteful desire: SHE'S ON A DAT
spiteful desire: BUT YOU JUST SIT AT HOME
spiteful desire: AND
SushiChica: ...Date?
spiteful desire: MASTURBATE
SushiChica: =]
spiteful desire: yay for billy joel!
idunno92890: master debater
spiteful desire: jesus loves andrew...a lot...
BunnyHunny366: oh wait oh no! I knew it!!!! You used the scientologist's sperm!
BunnyHunny366: how oculd you!
idunno92890: bollucks
spiteful desire: tom cruise's sperm?
BunnyHunny366: i told you not to mix it with your drink
BunnyHunny366: no
idunno92890: bollocks*
BunnyHunny366: the founders
spiteful desire: DIANETICS!
SushiChica: Sperm? What?
idunno92890: how dare you use the prophets name in vain
spiteful desire: tom cruise is a prophet?
SushiChica: Pshduh.
idunno92890: STOP
SushiChica: T
SushiChica: O
SushiChica: M
idunno92890: hes the-unspoken-one
SushiChica: C
SushiChica: R
SushiChica: U
SushiChica: I
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: S
SushiChica: E
spiteful desire: you tell 'em, shea
BunnyHunny366: lol
idunno92890: why are you muttering a series of incoherent letters andrea?
idunno92890: thats all i read
paranoidlovers X: tom cruise sucks in bed
spiteful desire: becauseshe knows you're dim
SushiChica: Just because you're not smart enough to read asian style...
spiteful desire: tom cruise sucks dick!
idunno92890: ow
spiteful desire: he sucks katie holmes...
SushiChica: and Andrew's mom.
spiteful desire: hee hee
BunnyHunny366: o.O
idunno92890: wrong gender
SushiChica: ...Maybe Andrew too, actually.
spiteful desire: and andrew...
paranoidlovers X: ouuuch
BunnyHunny366: tom cruise took his ribs out to fuck himself
spiteful desire: yesssss
spiteful desire: probably
SushiChica: That was Marilyn Manson
SushiChica: XD
BunnyHunny366: so
SushiChica: Or however you spell his name.
paranoidlovers X: tom cruise gave me crabs and syphillis
paranoidlovers X: bastard
idunno92890: mm crab
SushiChica: OHMIGOD
spiteful desire: they take turns blowing each other
SushiChica: Yazzy
BunnyHunny366: tom cruise gave andrew a blow job
SushiChica: Our cats/dogs/english bitches
SushiChica: <3333
paranoidlovers X: hahaha
SushiChica: Tom Cruise was probably one of them.
spiteful desire: WELL
paranoidlovers X: most probably
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: I still have that conversation somewhere on my computer.
SushiChica: Alas, I do not have my computer.
spiteful desire: i don't like where this conversation is going, kids
idunno92890: o btw, im brandon not andrew
paranoidlovers X: I have it someplace
paranoidlovers X: hmmm
SushiChica: We don't talk about STDs here.
idunno92890: ive been fooling you for months
spiteful desire: ew
BunnyHunny366: andrew inpregnated katie holmes in the three some he had with tom and katie
BunnyHunny366: suuure
paranoidlovers X: no, the spelling was too good to be brandon
paranoidlovers X: nice try
SushiChica: Yesum.
spiteful desire: so you got a sex xhange, andrew/brandon?
SushiChica: XDD
BunnyHunny366: ROFL
spiteful desire: now you're a guy?
SushiChica: WOAH HE'S A GUY
idunno92890: every thing i say gets thrown back at me
SushiChica: =] We're good at that.
idunno92890: so im done talking, ill just listen
spiteful desire: get used to it
SushiChica: Awwwww...but then it's no fun.
SushiChica: AAAHH MY FONT!!
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: ...Okay, there we go.
idunno92890: ill talk if you promise that EVERY thing you say is a compliment to me
paranoidlovers X: hah, fool
idunno92890: brb
SushiChica: ...You're kidding, right?
SushiChica: Ahaha...yazzy
spiteful desire: what if it's sarcastic? how will you tell?
paranoidlovers X: you're not gay!
BunnyHunny366: FOOL
SushiChica: Remember that one day where we tried to be nice?
paranoidlovers X: is that a compliment?
SushiChica: It lasted for about...2 periods
idunno92890: back
paranoidlovers X: hahahahahahahahaha
BunnyHunny366: o.O
SushiChica: Probably less....because I think I yelled at Andrew...
idunno92890: and no, thats not a compliment
spiteful desire: i can be nice...in my special way
SushiChica: XDD Or someone
spiteful desire: in fact...
paranoidlovers X: I was like, "you're so goddamn nice...."
idunno92890: ok, time for nice lessons
SushiChica: XDD
SushiChica: "YAZZY I FUCKING....love...you..."
spiteful desire: depending on the person, i can be very VERY nice
idunno92890: all you have to do is say "man, andrew is so cool"
idunno92890: with no follow up
BunnyHunny366: man, andrew is fucked up
idunno92890: and no weird cackles
idunno92890: WRONG
SushiChica: "man, andrew is so cool"
BunnyHunny366: rofl
SushiChica: [/SARCASM]
idunno92890: all you have to say is "man, andrew is so cool"
idunno92890: with no follow ups
idunno92890: READ THE MATERIAL
spiteful desire: "man, andrew is so cool i want to vomit"
SushiChica: I'm not so good at that.
idunno92890: WRONG
paranoidlovers X: ...
BunnyHunny366: man andrew is so *cough*retardedidiot*couhg* COOL
SushiChica: Sarcasm tags.
SushiChica: Are the shit
SushiChica: Ooh! Karina's right!
idunno92890: man
idunno92890: i give up
idunno92890: UR ALL WRONG
SushiChica: It didn't FOLLOW it!
SushiChica: So she's RIGHT!!
spiteful desire: just give in, andrew
SushiChica: LOOPHOLE!!!
BunnyHunny366: man, andrew is such a cool fucktard
spiteful desire: yes!
SushiChica: Shit, I owe my friend a chapter...
paranoidlovers X: askdhakldjas
idunno92890: ok, i have a new strategy
SushiChica: Errrrrg...
idunno92890: but im not revealing it
spiteful desire: good
SushiChica: ...Right.
SushiChica: SO
idunno92890: im just that smart
SushiChica: Andrew is gay!
BunnyHunny366: suuuure'
idunno92890: ur absolutely right
SushiChica: Or a lesbian. Something like that.
SushiChica: Yes, I know I am. ^_^
idunno92890: that too
paranoidlovers X: Actually, I think Andrew's quite unhappy.
BunnyHunny366: andrew is a documanted lesbian
idunno92890: indeed i am
SushiChica: Fwee!
spiteful desire: andre wis an unhappy lesbian
paranoidlovers X: Even the men he sleeps with keep him depressed.
idunno92890: you're all right
SushiChica: XDD
idunno92890: yes they do
SushiChica: Reverse psychology isn't working on us, by the way.
BunnyHunny366: andrwe had a sex change back in the seventh grade
spiteful desire: andrew's sad because he can't get any, from girls OR guys...
idunno92890: yes it is, isnt working on you??!?!??!??!?!?!????!
BunnyHunny366: o.O
idunno92890: yes i am
SushiChica: Hey, anyone wanna laser tag?
idunno92890: yes i did
idunno92890: no i dont
SushiChica: I'm banned from the mall, so Dui suggested laser tag.
paranoidlovers X: (he gets it from trees)
BunnyHunny366: YES
BunnyHunny366: I DO
BunnyHunny366: yes!
SushiChica: Sweet
SushiChica: Karina is in. ^_^
BunnyHunny366: then we can kill andrw
paranoidlovers X: Jeese, Shea, who'd you stalk this time?
idunno92890: yes you can
BunnyHunny366: with ucking lasers
spiteful desire: yeah, but the trees commit suicide after andrew is done with them.
SushiChica: He'll be too busy humping trees.
BunnyHunny366: fucing*
idunno92890: yes they do
idunno92890: yes i do
BunnyHunny366: lol
spiteful desire: that's why california and nevada are deserts
idunno92890: yes it is
paranoidlovers X: lets laser tag soon
SushiChica: I was stalking the hot Australian 16 year old from vegas...
paranoidlovers X: hahaha
spiteful desire: ORGY!
idunno92890: I WIN!!!!
BunnyHunny366: oO
SushiChica: ?
BunnyHunny366: win what
BunnyHunny366: OH BTW
spiteful desire: who want's to get fucked by lasers?
BunnyHunny366: I WON A CONTEST
idunno92890: *raises hand*
SushiChica: (Andrew does)
idunno92890: light beams ftw
paranoidlovers X: does fischerspooner just not exist on limewire?
spiteful desire: andrew wins the fag contest!
BunnyHunny366: iw ant to get fucked from the guy from the gelato store in old town
SushiChica: What contest?
spiteful desire has left the room.
BunnyHunny366: this thing
paranoidlovers X: let's go to a gay club tomorrow
SushiChica: sdjf;laksjdfa Australian guy...
BunnyHunny366: that i won like
SushiChica: <33
BunnyHunny366: 2 VIP spa tickest
BunnyHunny366: in LA
BunnyHunny366: with India.Arie
BunnyHunny366: and a 200 dollar gift bag
BunnyHunny366: and her autograph
idunno92890: whoa
paranoidlovers X: yaaaaaay!
SushiChica: Fun! ^_^
BunnyHunny366: lol
BunnyHunny366: whers diana
paranoidlovers X: dunno
SushiChica: She's...not...around...>.<
SushiChica: She signed off...
BunnyHunny366: lol no shit
SushiChica: Shaddup.
BunnyHunny366: back to andrew bashing
SushiChica: She lives!
idunno92890: brb, drawing something
SushiChica: Andrew is a documented lesbian (you didn't win yet)
SushiChica: ...Drawing...?
idunno92890: yes i am
SushiChica: Oh. Probably our deaths or something.
idunno92890: and yes, drawing
BunnyHunny366: lol
spiteful desire has entered the room.
BunnyHunny366: hes drawing a diagram to fucking trees
SushiChica: Whatever he thinks of...
SushiChica: I can probably be more morbid.
BunnyHunny366: and giving it to brandon and patrick later
BunnyHunny366: because they cant get action
SushiChica: Diana and I TOGETHER...
spiteful desire: update, you fuckinggoddamncocksuckingsonofabitch computer!!!!!!!
SushiChica: Brandon and Patrick have 69s
spiteful desire: y'all know who i want to get done by...
SushiChica: Sexy australian guy?
SushiChica: Wait, that's me.
SushiChica: Dickhead?
BunnyHunny366: si
spiteful desire: yep
spiteful desire: and william beckett
SushiChica: Tortured artistic boys with makeup on the street corner of vegas smoking?
SushiChica: =]
BunnyHunny366: i want that guy from the ice cream shop
spiteful desire: yes!
SushiChica: O.O No Cillian??
BunnyHunny366: yazzy knows who i'm tlakiing about
spiteful desire: yes, cillian!
SushiChica: I was going to say
SushiChica: "HOOOOLY SHIT"
BunnyHunny366: lol
spiteful desire: andrew already has a tree named scarlett johansson
SushiChica: XD
SushiChica: I need to hunt down my australian boy. XP
BunnyHunny366: kik
SushiChica: Or if I want to get illegal, the iMac guy.
BunnyHunny366: lol*
SushiChica: but he wasn't really flirting with me anyways.
SushiChica: So whatever.
BunnyHunny366: oh me and yazzy saw charles
BunnyHunny366: at the apple sotre
BunnyHunny366: in old town
SushiChica: XD Where my iMac lover is!
spiteful desire: where'd andrew go?
BunnyHunny366: hes drawing
SushiChica: He's drawing himself in a tree orgy
BunnyHunny366: his sexual fantasy
SushiChica: Remember?
spiteful desire: where'd'you go, you cunt?
SushiChica: XD
spiteful desire: SORRY!
SushiChica: Gaaah, iMac man. He actually was hot...
paranoidlovers X: iMac man...
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: XDDD
spiteful desire: in case you haven't noticed, i like using the word cunt
idunno92890: whats the name of the website where you draw stuff?
paranoidlovers X: Shea, you cannot have sexual relations with a fucking machine.
SushiChica: XDDDDDDD
idunno92890: and it tracks the stuff
spiteful desire: i do, yazzy
BunnyHunny366: art.com/
BunnyHunny366: ?
SushiChica: deviantart.com
idunno92890: nuh uh
idunno92890: nuh uh
idunno92890: its like an artpad
BunnyHunny366: yeah
SushiChica: Eh?
SushiChica: No idea.
BunnyHunny366: art.com/artpad
BunnyHunny366: i think
BunnyHunny366: idk
BunnyHunny366: google it
idunno92890: hmm, k
SushiChica: Google is worship worthy.
spiteful desire: L
spiteful desire: G
SushiChica: I'm afraid to go back to old navy though.
spiteful desire: F
spiteful desire: U
BunnyHunny366: meow
spiteful desire: A
SushiChica: That guy was STALKING me...
spiteful desire: D
paranoidlovers X: OLD NAVY IS SATANNNNN!
SushiChica: XDDD
BunnyHunny366: o.O
SushiChica: But I was looking for shorts.
spiteful desire: old navyyyyyyyy!
BunnyHunny366: O.O
SushiChica: And the guy that looked...eh...was freakin' following me around like a puppy dog.
spiteful desire: i feel like writing a vulgar song
BunnyHunny366: brb got to put my cousin down to sleep
SushiChica: Do it!
BunnyHunny366: :-P
SushiChica: XD Kay
SushiChica: ...
SushiChica: With a needle? O.o
spiteful desire: he was alone in a tent
spiteful desire: with a bottle of wine
SushiChica: XDD
spiteful desire: and he got an idea
spiteful desire: and he went online
SushiChica: =]
paranoidlovers X: why'd you have to be so cute?
spiteful desire: he logged onto
spiteful desire: a site full of fun
spiteful desire: for adults only, of course
spiteful desire: and he bagan to cu--
SushiChica: XDDD
SushiChica: Began, though.
spiteful desire: his boxers cam down
SushiChica: Came?
spiteful desire: but something came up
SushiChica: You're forgetting letters here.
spiteful desire: sorry!
spiteful desire: when he thought he was through
SushiChica: =] The grammer nazi in me.
spiteful desire: it kept climbing up
spiteful desire: soon he was eye level
spiteful desire: his eyes glued to the screen
BunnyHunny366: done
paranoidlovers X: nazi rhymes with schazi
spiteful desire: where the lesbian couple
spiteful desire: began to shout and scream
SushiChica: Done with what?
spiteful desire: he took a swig
spiteful desire: of his '98 Chardonnay
idunno92890: heres my art
spiteful desire: and pretty soon he
idunno92890: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g237/mr_dude861/death.jpg
idunno92890: enjoy
SushiChica: I am keeping that forever.
BunnyHunny366: ORL ROFL ROFL
SushiChica: I am putting that on my myspace.
SushiChica: NOW.
paranoidlovers X: You are my hero.
idunno92890: lol
BunnyHunny366: youd esreve this:
spiteful desire: holy fuck, andrew
BunnyHunny366: i fucking luv you andrew
BunnyHunny366: lol
idunno92890: i know i know
BunnyHunny366: ok no more
idunno92890: your welcome
idunno92890: lol
BunnyHunny366: rofl
spiteful desire: you interrupted my song, you bastard!
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: Yeah, keep going with the song.
SushiChica: (omfgroflmao)
paranoidlovers X: hahaha
BunnyHunny366: lol
paranoidlovers X: wait, did you just do this to gain some sort of respect?
BunnyHunny366: lol
spiteful desire: and prett soon he
paranoidlovers X: y
SushiChica: XDD I'm wondering that myself
spiteful desire: knew an orgasm was on the way
idunno92890: kinda
SushiChica: But it's a good picture worthy of my myspace.
paranoidlovers X: it was clever
BunnyHunny366: si
spiteful desire: he took over from there
idunno92890: like i said, i win
BunnyHunny366: he wants to get on our good side
SushiChica: Not really.
spiteful desire: and reached out with his hand
idunno92890: bah
BunnyHunny366: you just want to be able to get girls
SushiChica: But still...does this mean that we pwn3d you?
BunnyHunny366: but from me you get nuthing
spiteful desire: he pulled out his toys
BunnyHunny366: you have to stay with your tree whores
idunno92890: sorta, but i lost with style
spiteful desire: and he felt very grand
BunnyHunny366: lol
SushiChica: NO
SushiChica: NO
SushiChica: NOT FAIR
BunnyHunny366: ?
idunno92890: and drew a pic where the hanged masculinity was hung
SushiChica: >.<
paranoidlovers X: psjgsjgsdlk
paranoidlovers X: I thought I was the only one
SushiChica: Okay, yeah, lost with style.
SushiChica: I'll give in to that.
BunnyHunny366: yes well thing is you're not masculine
paranoidlovers X: it wont let me log in, dammit!
spiteful desire: am i singing to no one?
BunnyHunny366: we love guys we just hate you
SushiChica: ...I'm putting it on my xanga too.
idunno92890: sure am
SushiChica: No, you're not.
idunno92890: FUCK YOU
SushiChica: I'm listening.
SushiChica: XD
paranoidlovers X: You have to have balls to be masculine...
SushiChica: And my livejournal
idunno92890: ey
idunno92890: uncool
SushiChica: XD she has a point.
spiteful desire: so andrew isn't masculine?
BunnyHunny366: mhm
SushiChica: I'll just post it everywhere I am.
BunnyHunny366: nope
SushiChica: And...I'm in  a LOT of places.
spiteful desire: really, shea?
paranoidlovers X: it's ok brandon we know what it's like not to have a penis
spiteful desire: where else are you?
idunno92890: ur making me famous over the interwebs
BunnyHunny366: lol
idunno92890: HEY
spiteful desire: andrew porn is an inductry in the red right now...
paranoidlovers X: tehehehehe
spiteful desire: *industry
idunno92890: you no nothing about my penis or his social life
BunnyHunny366: domo arigato mr.robot
BunnyHunny366: o
spiteful desire: i don't need to, i can guess and be right
SushiChica: XDDDDDDD
SushiChica: It's a he?
idunno92890: i know, i sold my stock
SushiChica: And it's seperate from you?
paranoidlovers X: right, because neither exist...
SushiChica: This is interesting.
spiteful desire: because it went up in smoke
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