I can't see...

Mar 03, 2006 12:51

Get up in the morning blurry-eyed… Get in the car - bright light - put on the sunglasses…. Get to work, take off the shades, find the safety glasses… Walk in the building, put on the safety glasses… Get to my desk, take off the safety glasses, put on the reading glasses… Get up from desk several times a day: take off the reading glasses, put on the safety glasses, walk to the front offices where the bathroom is, put the safety glasses off my eyes and on my head… Go back out through the factory, put the safety glasses back on… Get to my desk, take off the safety glasses, put the reading glasses back on… Time to leave work - take off the reading glasses, put on the safety glasses, walk out to the car, take off the safety glasses, bright light…. Put on the sunglasses, drive to class… take off the sunglasses, go to class, sit down at the computer, put on the reading glasses… Time to go home - take off the reading glasses, it’s dark… Put on the drive-at-night glasses, get home, take off the driving glasses… Sit down at the laptop, put on the reading glasses… Time for sleep - take off the reading glasses…

I typed this all with no glasses…
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