Sabrina's Blood Drive Adventure

Nov 16, 2005 17:52

Argh! I suck!
A lot of my school friends already heard this, so you all can turn away, now...

Well, today was the blood drive at school and all was going well. I had my soda in my hand and I was getting my blood drawn just fine.
After a few moments, I started seeng spots and feeling a bit light-headed. Somewhere along the way I must have closed my eyes and passed out because I was dreaming like I was asleep, but I woke up to cold water hitting my face and the first words out of my mouth was:
"Wha...? Oh yeah... I was giving blood..."
I looked around a bit and I felt that I had drooled... and somebody took away my soda.
But hey, with the exception of my face, I was dry, which means I passed out with a soda and didn't spill it.
Mad skillz, bitches!
Anyways, they took the needle out and I got some more to drink, and every few moments I had some nurse making sure I was ok.
I totally laughed it off 'cause it was a new experience, but I'm really dissapointed that I couldn't do my part to help out and all that hubbub.

Funny scenarios I thought of today:
They take away my free shirt and call me a loser
They throw my blood back to me... in my face

Well, I'm gonna rest a bit. Ta ta and rock on!
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