Oct 31, 2004 17:50
I CAN'T GO TO BANGKOK TO SEE SLIPKNOT LIVE!!!!!!!! *cries good and hard*
Because the situation in Bangkok now is dangerous. Riots are going on, people have died. recently, some children were kidnapped.. so my mom and dad aren't letting me go. Funnily enough, Xy's mom also doesn't want to let her go, cos of the same reason. When she came online we were both like "I've got bad news"...
Well, I'd rather stay alive and wait till another SlipKnot concert comes around than go there and die. My dad says they might release a bomb at the concert, fucking pussy terrorists...OMG THEN WHAT IF SLIPKNOT DIES?! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!!! THEY SHOULD CANCEL THE CONCERT!!! (then I won't feel so bad about not going)
If SlipKnot dies I would mourn for....forever.
(And does anyone know where to download Murderdolls mp3s? Or can you send them if you have some??)
If we go, the Top 13 possiblities of what might happen to us:
01. Robbed.
02. Raped.
03. Kidnapped.
04. Sold into prostitution.
05. Killed in a riot.
06. One word : BOMB.
07. Get involved in a rebellion
08. Sold and made to labour in sweatshops
09. Sold for slaves
10. Carjacked
11. Street gangs
12. Murdered as a symbol of protest to their government
13. Held hostage