Oct 20, 2005 16:47
quick update, minus the juicy stuff, all the bland thrown in.
so since october 1st (actually since the last day in september) i've been writing down in a little book what i do every day (the last day in september wasn't in the book, so doesn't really count. even though imporant things happened that day) and it's pretty amazing. i write things such as: "1:03pm Get a cookie. YAY!"
and now YOU know exactly what it is that i was doing at 1:03pm today.
i'm going to new jersey this weekend to visit jess. becky and laura are coming, it's gonna be a good time. i'm excited to NOT be driving down there by myself. (ok so i lied, this is something interesting/imporant about my life and it's included)
finished my book, didn't have the crit today because we ran out of time, doing it tomorrow.
not much else i feel like writing about.
fin. :o