
Mar 14, 2009 21:17

Paul and I trade off on chores. Dishes, dog walking in the morning, catbox, etc.

I did the dishes Thursday morning. I remember because I needed the frying pan to make eggs. We only have one frying pan, people.

So tonight we're bbq-ing and I said "We'll need some clean plates."

He SWEARS he did dishes on Friday eve. (entirely not true, there are dishes from Fri morning in the sink.) So after going back and forth for a few minutes, I just up and did the dishes. Why? Because it's so much fucking easier than arguing to death about it. I was pissed when I was washing them and I'm pissed now, but damn, it's worth it to not hear I'm-always-right arguments. And I would've heard this argument, proof or not. Let's just say in the four years of living together, I've learned what's worth fighting for. And dishes aren't it.

It's frustrating how some people remember things so very differently than I do. I KNOW what I remember is correct. I have a fucking GREAT memory. Yet, I argue over the stupidest shit. STUPIDEST.


I'm gonna go eat my hamburger. Mark the date, March 14th @9:22 pm, I did the fucking dishes.
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