Has anybody seen my shovel?

May 25, 2006 09:52

Read this article:


Alright, so I'm excited that they found a new dinosaur fossil. I can see naming it Dracorex (Dragonking). But so help me, who was the inbred monkey rape victim's child that named it "Hogwartzia"? Yes. I assume by their wild popularity that the Harry Potter books are good works of fiction. Yes. I think it's great that they've gotten more people, especially children, reading. No. I don't think it's remotely appropriate that they named a fossil after it. It's a FAD people. In another several decades, our high-school students won't be moaning in dismay as they are forced to sit through a chaper about the underlying symbolism in Harry Potter, and how the muggles represent the white man's burden or some such crap that I'm sure is all made up for all the other classic pieces of literature. You know, I wouldn't even have been terribly upset if they had named it "Dracorex Smaug" or "Dracorex Gatsby". At least then we're honoring an accepted classic, not some recent fad that in a decade or so no one will remember and will completely ruin the legitimacy of this scientific discovery.
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