Wentworth Miller News

Aug 22, 2013 09:40

This has been on a couple gossip sites so I thought I'd put it up for those that might be interested!

Wentworth Miller Comes Out: 'Prison Break' Star Reveals He's Gay

Wentworth Miller is the latest celebrity to reveal he's gay ( Read more... )

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tuesdaeschild August 22 2013, 10:52:43 UTC
Thank you, my sweet! I didn't get out of bed this morning expecting this news but I'm not surprised in any way. And I think he's chosen a good time to come out and join the people taking a stand against Russia's homophobia. :)

Three cheers for Went...hip hip...


rosie_spleen August 23 2013, 04:40:46 UTC
Hey Bel and Foxy. How's things. Miss youse guys.

Just popped in to say I love what you wrote here, Mazza. It was no surprise, but (perhaps) typical of the man to reveal something personal where he saw public need? This being the situation in Russia.

Thought it was a show of strength. It won't do his writing career any harm, but more than that - it's shown solidarity, and perhaps leadership, to people without a voice or choice in countries not as free as our own.

He lied about his sexuality. *shrugs* He's an actor, he pretends, it might have been a contract issue. I think this was a fitting way for his fans to learn more about the real Wentworth, so good on him.


tuesdaeschild August 23 2013, 13:29:58 UTC
Wotcha, Rosie!! Things are okay, ta. You? I miss those halcyon days of yore too...but one never forgets! :)

It was almost as if the dear man was waiting for the right time and occasion to reveal what a lot of us have suspected for years and since he'd been invited to Russia to be honoured what a great opportunity to make his point?!! And even in declining the invitation he was as gracious as one would expect. Nope, it won't do his writing career any harm and he did speak out for people who, thanks to Putin and his bunch of bigots, cannot do the same.

Yes, it could be construed as lying about his sexuality; but it is part of his job to pretend and TPTB might have made him deny the rumours since he was the handsome leading man in PB...but his timing couldn't have been any better really, could it? So while I really adored him before I adore him even more now!

Hope you and yours are well, dear.


rosie_spleen August 25 2013, 02:09:52 UTC
We are well, my dearest. It's lovely to read your comments here and know those halcyon days are still with us all. *hugs* xx


tuesdaeschild August 26 2013, 13:31:47 UTC
Good to hear, dear Matron. :) And I suppose those halycon days have never really left us.

We should have a tenth anniversary virtual party when the time comes!

*hugs you back*


accrues August 25 2013, 00:35:28 UTC
Ey up!

He mightn't have even lied. Sexuality isn't something you get a membership card for. It's not even prescribed by what gender you date. It's a discovery you make as you go through your life. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't. Besides which, it's no one's business but his :D



rosie_spleen August 25 2013, 02:11:16 UTC
Sexuality isn't something you get a membership card for. It's not even prescribed by what gender you date. It's a discovery you make as you go through your life. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't. Besides which, it's no one's business but his :D

Great words. No more to add.


tuesdaeschild August 26 2013, 13:29:16 UTC
Brilliantly put, my darling! <3


heliokleia August 23 2013, 19:57:38 UTC
Mr Pretteh FTW!!

'ELLO and good evening, P. Momma!
- Aww... that's our Miller boy, hm? He coose the right time for his comming out; didn't he?
Well, I'm a little bit surprised after all, because I always thought he was umm... bi but okeh... ;)

He's still our ador[k]able Mr Pretteh and a squeaky Bettgestell remains a sqeaky Bettgestell, hehe...
*wiggles bum minxily*

P. S. MEME's out...
*winks & waves*


) tuesdaeschild August 24 2013, 09:19:30 UTC
'ELLO, Dear NJM!! *waves*

Yes, he chose a most appropriate time to come out and I'm so proud of him and, if it's possible, I'm adoring him even more now! Little bit bi? Maybe...but I can't say I'm surprised. Just pleased he can be who he is now. :)

You're right that he is still our ador[k]able Mr Pretteh and he can still set the old squeaky Bettgestell to squeaking!! *g*

And I've looked through your Meme (which is awesomeand I'm now composing my response!
*waves and blows kisses*


accrues August 25 2013, 00:33:53 UTC

I think he chose a good time for it too. Since it's nobody's business but his (and his prospective partner), sharing it with the world should have another purpose as well.

Good to see you around my darling, still sorry we didn't catch up on the Mothership but... swings and roundabouts.

<3 <3


tuesdaeschild August 26 2013, 13:27:55 UTC
Yes, he chose a very good time to do it and it is his business but sharing it the way he did meant it wasn't really about him. The man has so much class!!

I'm sorry we didn't get to catch up on the Mothership too but let's hope there'll be future occasions that work. I hope you had a wonderful trip anyway and you got to catch up with pemphredouk!

I do still lurk a bit in LJ. :)



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