Dec 27, 2005 14:05
Christmas was awesome as usually, didn't get that much sleep the night before cuz I was sleeping on that couch, and it was hot because we like to turn on the heat alot. I think I went to sleep around 2-3 in the morning. But all is good, I got alot of gift certificates, 50 bucks to American Eagle which rules, and over 100 bucks of gift gertificates to resturants. That should last about 2-3 weeks at most. I also got King Kong and Condemned for the 360, and the funniest movie of all time, the 40 year old virgin. I got some jeans and some polos, and this awesome warm Alabama blanket that I am more than likely going to use as my comforter. I did give Shaun my PSP, cuz frankly, I don't play it anymore and he wanted it. He already bought a 2gb memory stick and Family Guy season 1&2 on UMD.
Afterwards the four brothers went to see King Kong. Even better the 2nd time. That i eriously going into my top 10 of all time. It feels great not working anymore. It is such a stress relief.
Me and Kevin no longer have a computer. My monitor for my laptop is cracked, so I sent it off to get it fixed. Turns out, I might have to pay a couple of hundred to get it fixed, which sucks cuz I really want to by a matress and bed.