I'm getting so spoiled working and attending trials and hearings in federal court. Even though Gulfport is still hurting badly from Katrina, the federal court building is up & running & nearly back in pristine condition. The interiors and courtrooms are nearly identical to the one I visited in Lafayette earlier this summer, though the view in Gulfport is nicer (if not still a little ragged). I can watch the Chiquita banana boats coming into the harbor on breaks if I want.
Speaking of Katrina, I got to watch testimony in the first Hurricane Katrina trial in the nation this week--made national news on Monday when it began. Seeing as a large part of my experience thus far has been in insurance coverage, I was dorkishly excited about it all. Here's the latest:
http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/15035569.htm In a little over a year I'm going to be a lawyer. Scary...but I'm ready. Never thought I'd say this, but I really like being in court.