Oct 12, 2007 04:00
stayin up late for all my readins
Im starting to question my choice of programs. I thought i wanted to avoid all that nitty-gritty bio neuro stuff, but the stuff thats most interesting me in my classses is just that.
Here, I'll post some cool neuro facts i learned:
Tobacco and caffeine and living in the city helps prevent parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease causes a loss of spiritual feelings, while treatment for it can often cause impulsivity and compulsive gambling
You can get a tiny lesion in your spinal cord that will stop any feelings of pain from one side of the body, while any feelings of pressure (touch) from the other side.
Your main parts of your nervous system is basically developed by about 4 weeks after conception, so you will not even know your pregnant by the time the fetus is totally fucked up from all the drugs and trauma you put youreself through (dont worry, i dont think they live usually)
If you just dont develop a little bone covering of your spinal cord as a fetus, the nerves all grow out of it and form huge (size of the babies head in some cases) bubbles of nerves out of their back or neck.
PCP and ketamine and DXM will help save your brain from some damage during stroke, trauma or suffociation (any lack of oxygen to the brain) due to its antiglutamate actions preventiing excitotoxic chains of neuronal death.
Isint the brain so cool and complex. I know i wanta study it, but where and what? and most especially how?
besides that im glad im finally stayin up late. i think i need these late nite nil or litle sleeps times.
And im gonna go see She wants revenge in 10 days.