Aug 26, 2007 23:52
So now im looking for a part time job in the collegest of all places. I need to work fast, as almost every school in the area has their students arrivign this weekend who will then start looking fo jobs. So far ive found the standard UPS, trader Joes jobs. THe nice thing about a college town is the number of experiments needing guinea pigs arounds here. Im signed up for some psychomotor test where theyll wathc my brain while i move my arm for an hour for 15 bucks. and i found an awesome job working for harvard as research assistant in cognirive evolution which would mean workign with MONKEYS (actually, i believe primates) and feeding them and helping undergrad and grad students play around and maybe experiment myself, but im almsot positive they wont take me. A more possible job is being a clerk in the communication disorders wing of mass general where i would at least be around people doing stuff i find interesting. only other interesting job i can find is being some media type neurostudier who gets to play with modern neuroscience shit for the purposes of finding out what people are interested in during commericials. awesome stuff, boring application. thats all ig ot right now. oh, and im still in need of a social scene, but hopefully that will come around sometime