Sep 04, 2003 23:02
So I noticed got a face-lift today. So I decided my journal needed one too. So I finally customized it with a background and new colors and stuff like that. Check it out! And see if you can figure out what the comment link sayings are from. hehe. I really seem to be quizzing y'all lately...haha!
BTW - I'm still not decided about the whole UT Football Game w/ Wakefield thing. I just hope I get more details soon so I can know what this will fully involve. Maybe they will play before the game starts?! I hope!!!
Anywayz, I need to pack because I'm heading to Houston for a family function this weekend and then I'm back here Sunday for the Hanson Austin Street Team meeting. Good times my friend. Also I have a lot of work to do on Definitely Dan because Melissa & I just came up with a bunch of new stuff we are developing. hehe.
Well I think I'm gonna try to make some new icons...because I really want some new ones, but I can't seem to make any I like lately. Yet I have no problem coming up with avatars for the DDDD forum. haha. Oh well. Off I go. Leave me love. <33333