Cause I miss u...

Sep 02, 2003 22:53

Wow that subject took entirely too long to type correctly. Seriously I think I mistyped everything single letter. haha. Oh well.

Anywayz, so I got word that not only is there an Austin show on October 4th. But there's gonna be a Dallas show on October 3rd! Most likely. The venue is still yet to be decided. I'm so excited though. That's a shitload of Longwave in October for me!!! Well probably not as much as Lorna, but between us I think we'll have covered every single tour stop in the US except like 3 shows. haha. And one of those shows Tanya and/or Amina will probably be at. So it's like I'll be at all of them. haha.

Ok, I'll stop boring every single person with all my Longwave talk. You just don't understand how much I love that band. The music is AMAZING. The guys are GREAT. And no matter how much I listen to both albums and the rare tracks I can't seem to grow tired of any of them. And that's a mark of greatness right there. Moving on tho...

School started back up today after a four day weekend for me. That was quite nice. Except I didn't leave my apartment. Not even to get the mail. How sad is that? haha. But I did all my readings for my classes and then some. And advanced definitely dan a bit. We've got a shitload of ideas we're working on right now and it's ultra groovy. It's amazing how far this fan club has come since February.

Brandi & I worked on details for the Austin Hanson Street Team as well. And Lorna already made up our buttons (I <333 Lorna). The flyers were finally finalized and we made them into a fullpage flyer of 4 quarter sheet flyers. If that makes sense...

Not much is going on. Watched The OC, Queer Eye, and Orlando Jones (for Hanson) tonight. All were pretty good. The OC really bothers me though because it just really doesn't seem realistic in any way. I mean it's just TOO MUCH and over the top! Y'know? But good music.

Guess I'll be ending this now...because I have nothing to say except ramble on about Longwave...btw - anyone like my new icon? hehe. Two guesses as to what the letters stand for...I know it's real hard. haha!
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