Concrit Post, Plus OOC Stuff

Jul 20, 2018 01:44

(crossposted to rocketsforgaia and vlad12roses)

First of all, let's consolidate posts and say straight-up: This is a concrit post. If you want to leave me crit, feel free to post it here, either anonymously or not.

Concrit/OOC Issues: I will usually post in cfud_concrit if I'm around when the post goes up. I welcome concrit and other OOC discussion, however it gets to me. Feel free to contact me via IRC or AIM at any time about anything OOCly -- crit, ideas for plots or posts, "o hay you dropped this thread"... anything. Talk to me. I like OOC communication a lot.

Contact Methods: I'm generally on IRC most evenings I'm online, so feel free to talk to me there (private messaging is best, but pings on character names will work). If I'm not on IRC, I'm probably still around on AIM (in character profiles). If in doubt, e-mail me at 06arv at-sign williams dot edu. If you really need non-Internet contact information, let me know and I'll pass it along.

In the event that I go AWOL for more than a day or two and you need to reach me, talk to Francescu or Natsuo. Natsuo may be best here, as she has my parents' phone number (I think) and thus can figure out if I've been eaten by grues or what.

Time/Schedules: Currently I'm on Central, but as of September 2006 I'll be on Eastern most of the time. Generally I play and post in the evenings, but this may change. (I'm about to go to graduate school, and that will probably fuck with my schedule quite a bit.)

Cliques: Uh, I have cliques? I don't think I do, anyway. I may give slight priority in threading to people my characters already know, just because it's easier to think of responses to them, but I will gladly play with anybody. In the unlikely event that I find a character I'm just totally unwilling to respond to, I'll try to work something out OOCly.

Dropping threads: Prepare for mini-essay here, since I consider this to be my biggest failing as a player and want to talk about it a bit.

I drop threads. A lot. It's not because I'm not enjoying the threads; instead, it's usually a combination of distractedness due to excess multitasking, drowsiness, and forgetfulness, plus if I've neglected the thread too long I get ashamed of myself. It doesn't mean I'm bored, dislike your character, or don't want to continue! If I dropped a thread and you want to keep it going, PLEASE ping me or otherwise contact me, and I'll get back to it ASAP. (Even if the thread's been dropped a week. I have no problems with distorting space-time.) This is a problem I really want to solve, and I'd appreciate help through OOC communication and patience with my poor threading skills.

Comfort levels: I'll let you know if I'm uncomfortable with a thread. Please feel free to do the same. There's no joke so good it's worth causing OOC discomfort.

Apps: I really like betaing! Send apps to 06arv at-sign williams dot edu, or contact me via some other medium, and I'll do my best.

Character preference: Don't really have one; will play anybody. All is awesome.
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