Aug 21, 2005 01:09
1. Nervous Habits?- i figidt actually... like i shake my leg or i do that touch finger to thumb thing
2. Are you double jointed?- uhh not that i remember
3. Can you roll your tongue?- hahaha yes i can and make a clover and i can make heart good fun
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?- dont mock me
5. Can you cross your eyes?- hahaha no i have a lazy eye
6. Tattoos?- no
7. Piercings and where?- 3... one in one ear two in the other
8. Do you make your bed daily?- hmm kinda but never well really
10. Which shoe goes on first?- whatever foot that feels neglected at the time
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?- yes
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?- matters where im going why im going and if ive worked at the time... other than that maybe about twenty dollars or a credit card
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?- a necklace that i cant get off and an earing just one earing
14. Favorite piece of clothing?- you know that comfortable thing i own
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?- i twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam?- not at all
17. Favorite ice cream flavor?- strawberry/chocolate/anything with peanutbutter
18. How many cereals are in your cabinet?- haha two cause no one will eat them
19. What's your favorite beverage?- black cherry koolaid
20. What's your favorite restaurant?- i dont really care
21. Do you cook?- when i get hungry enough i do
22. How often do you brush your teeth?- once or twice
23. Hair drying method?- it matters usually i shower at night then blow dry what couldnt dry over night then straighten crazy prosses
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?- many times friend many times
25. Do you swear?- that i do
26. Do you ever spit?- uhh when i have to
27. Animal?- doggies
28. Food?- mexican
29. Month?- October i like the leaves
30. Day?- fridays are nice
31. Cartoon?- invader zim gosh
32. Shoe Brand?- whatever looks nice
33. Subject in school?- english i guess
34. Color?- sky blue or black
35. Sport?- softball
36. TV show?- gilmore girls all out
37. Thing to do in the spring?- the musical
38. Thing to do in the summer?- sleep and vacation
39. Thing to do in the fall?- work alot...
40. Things to do in the winter?- drink hot chocolate and be cold
41. The CD player?- many many things... my disc man is actually under a pillow near all of my cds... my big 5 disc cd player its in the closet so whatever is in the closet
42. Person you talk most on the phone with?- phones
43. Ever taken a cab?- yes i think i have actually
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?- yes i have to see how icky i am
45. What color is your bedroom?- blue with more blue and then some yellow and some pink very little pink though
46. Do you use an alarm clock?- Yes
47. Window seat or aisle?- window seat
48. What's your sleeping position?- i usually just hope to fall asleep
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?- yes but then it changes from how many and what ones
50. Do you snore?- not so much no
51. Do you sleepwalk?- nope
52. Do you talk in your sleep?- now this i do
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?- not so much no
54. How about with the light on?- no its all about the pitch black really
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?- i listen to the cd player