18 weeks! + school update

Mar 02, 2010 15:12

Today I am 18 weeks pregnant. My abs aren't what they used to be and I definitely look pregnant already. The baby is head down and most active after dinner. We're going to find out the sex on Monday! I'm really excited to find out and hoping for a girl! I feel pretty good but sleep is uncomfortable. I can't sleep on my back anymore, and I have a bit of restless leg going on. Sleeping on my stomach is a bit tricky but I'm still making it work.

We sent in Julian's school application. If he doesn't get into one of our top choices, we'll probably homeschool him. We might even if he does get accepted to one of our top choices. We hear back from Collegiate soon on whether or not Luka gets a scholarship. I really hope he does. There is no way I can handle having both of them at home all day this fall with a new baby. I'm not sure I can handle a new baby + Luka even if Julian is in school.
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