Preparing for the AP Lit test--reviewing books for the open-essay. Realizing once again just how perfect and beautiful The Color Purple is. Anyone else read it and feel similarly, or dissimilarly
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'Someone' sounds familiar--one of the Romantics, I suspect. Shelley, or Coleridge, perhaps... A good little bit, anyway. You should study Zen, with the looks of your comment.
Lovelace. "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage; minds innocent and tired take that for an hermitage..." I've always felt that it's not the same without the next line and a half.
It is more cutting with the final bit and causes one to, at the same time, both laugh and reassure oneself internally that point made has absolutely no basis in themself.
zen. it's always interested me. my mom used to have a mini zen garden and i would write my name in the sand when i was little, if this means anything.
yes, yes, this is brittany.
zen... tell me more.
how did you do on your test? & you are going to prom, correct? at the mention of the word "prom", my mom jumped out of her seat. she doesn't know that it's gay prom, however. she thinks it's junior prom. but either way she is beyond excited and the next time she suggests wearing a certain pair of heels i am going to wring her neck. apparently i am riding with karen, mike, someone named christina, and that is all i know. do you know of anyone else going?
I am going to prom with Olivia Pennebaker, possibly Jenny Van Vliet and also possibly Rhiannon Haller. And I applaud the coninuation of your mother's disillusionment--it really is her fault, after all, if I may say so.
The test went sparkling clean and pretty. I even finished three essays solidly within the two alloted hours so I am leaping about the keyboard at present with renewed authority etc.
I will do a follow up on the zen thing tomorrow perhaps--must sleep at some point. Damn the flesh!
i believe freedom is attainable no matter what the situation. to me, freedom is a state of mind...
good luck on your ap lit test.
'Someone' sounds familiar--one of the Romantics, I suspect. Shelley, or Coleridge, perhaps... A good little bit, anyway. You should study Zen, with the looks of your comment.
Et merci beaucoup, ma copain.
He was British, you know.
Brits are very fine for the literary.
yes, yes, this is brittany.
zen... tell me more.
how did you do on your test?
& you are going to prom, correct?
at the mention of the word "prom", my mom jumped out of her seat. she doesn't know that it's gay prom, however. she thinks it's junior prom. but either way she is beyond excited and the next time she suggests wearing a certain pair of heels i am going to wring her neck.
apparently i am riding with karen, mike, someone named christina, and that is all i know. do you know of anyone else going?
hope your day was swell.
The test went sparkling clean and pretty. I even finished three essays solidly within the two alloted hours so I am leaping about the keyboard at present with renewed authority etc.
I will do a follow up on the zen thing tomorrow perhaps--must sleep at some point. Damn the flesh!
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Good luck...
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