stream of consciousness----->

Jul 20, 2003 22:59

i feel like things are crawling on me. all over. and it's making me uncomfortable. my brother's asleep now, but earlier he was trying to watch tv in his room. however, neither of us have cable in our rooms and he broke the antenna on his tv so he doesn't really get any channels. i know he was kind of asking without directly asking if he could come in my room and watch it with me, but i wouldn't do him the satisfaction of making the offer. and now i feel bad. but i couldn't. he hasn't showered since we were at my dad's last night, therefore making him "contaminated." i really wish that i could have said, "well, you can come watch it in my room if you want," but i didn't. perhaps another time, sam. perhaps another time.

in church this morning, i felt really peaceful for a few moments...and i just want to write it down so i remember it. i was sitting there, bored as usual, constantly changing positions, trying to pass the time. i leaned forward and rested my head and arms partially on my knees and partially on my dad's knee. he put his hand on my back and i peered up at the church. suddenly, it looked beautiful. i've never really thought our church was exceptionally pretty, and i had already decided that i didn't want to be married in it...but this morning it looked truly amazing. and bright. and clean. and perfect.

after church we went to my grandparents' house where i would've taken pictures to post had my camera not become retarded. it no longer functions properly and i MUST take it back to the store. anyway, we celebrated my mom's birthday [which isn't until wednesday], i showed people our pictures from minnesota, and i got to see my cousin's baby connor again. he's almost four months and boy has he gotten big! but he is the cutest most smiley little boy i've ever seen. he just smiles and smiles and smiles. i heart him and can't wait to see him grow and develop.

my mom and i finished watching the pianist when we got home. that is quite the sobering movie. last night i asked my dad all about roman polanski, sharon tate, and charles manson. he knows all about that sort of stuff, so he was a good source of information. anyway, i definitely recommend that film.

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