Oct 09, 2009 17:33
Lots of funny observations on Twitter for #nobel. Not agreeing or disagreeing with these, but I laughed:
@damngoodmon: I'm just saying Woodrow Wilson had to settle WWI and push the League of Nations to win his Nobel Peace Prize.
@volatile_tifa:Kanye: I'm real happy for you Obama, and Imma let you finish, but what have you done to earn this award besides call me an ass? XD
@rickmcmillan: Nothing against Obama and his Nobel Peace Prize, but nominations were due 2 weeks after he took office. He hadn't even unpacked yet!
@paulaharington: Once I found out that the Nobel Peace Prize was between Jon Gosselin and Obama. I felt much better that Obama won.
@krupali: "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do" - Henry Ford
@rkerestes: Thinks the #Nobel Cmte should've just said they are recognizing the American people for demonstrating we're not the stereotype people think
@sadin: I just played Solitaire on my computer. And goddammit Obama won that too.
@KimDay71: Just not being the jackass your predecessor was is not enough criteria for the #Nobel.
@joelfaucett: I think we can all agree that Obama deserves the #nobel for preventing Sarah Palin from ascending to the White House.
@srpetrew: Jimmy Carter 22 yrs of service. Woodrow Wilson 6 yrs. Teddy Roosevelt 5 yrs. Obama 11 days and he wins the #Nobel Peace Prize. Too soon?