helllp! Question about a fic in progress

Mar 21, 2009 12:56

Crossposting this to the gibbs_abby community and NFA too.

Hi :)

Zabby/starshines and I started writing a fanfic this week that has taken wings and flown. As of last night we'd written about 9,000 words. It is definitely assuredly Gabby.

But it is also completely AU. And I'm curious to see if y'all would likely give it a shot.

To give you a teaser, Gibbs is not with NCIS and he and Abby meet when she goes undercover. There is an attraction but they may be on opposite sides of a case. VERRRRY opposite sides. But there is also an attraction that can't be denied...

Here is a small snippet,unbeated...

As he worked his way around groups of people, he saw her. His mark. And she took his breath away.

Black hair swept up with tendrils tumbling down. Creamy skin. Tall, statuesque. The black sparkly halter dress dipped down very low in front displaying an emerald and diamond necklace that took his breath away. At least he told himself it was the necklace and not the woman. Her green eyes fastened on his and he knew he was in deep trouble.

Keep your mind on the job, Jet.

His body ignored the warning, turning to hers as he lifted two glasses of champagne off a platter. “Evening.”

Gingerly, her right hand ghosted along the opposite side of her neck, where her spider web tattoo used to be. She felt almost naked without it, exposed. Still surprised the removal left no visible scars, Abby moved her hand to the necklace she wore, realizing how nervous playing along her neck made her look.

Sooo...would you be willing to give an AU Gabby a try or are you strictly a cannon background reader? We have three chapters done and can probably bang out another couple over the weekend but I'm concerned it might not find an audience.


who has chewed nails down to nubs.
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