Mar 21, 2010 23:13
How our country let some into office who is going to bulldoze a bill that the American people do not want?!
He CANNOT force me and my family to have health care! If I want it I'll get it, if I don't, I won't!
Learn to take action for your responsibilities! If you don't have health care, you should pay for that!! It's not MY fault! Don't make ME and MY family work so you can be a lazy bum and a disgrace to American society!
Now I am completely aware that there are situations beyond peoples control, and for those LEGITIMATE times, I think we should do something, and I have no problem with that. But for the lazy, no good, worthless people they shouldn't be covered for health care with MY money! This is what happens when you let incapable people into government!
The general consensus of the public is that they DON'T want this!
I want to CHOOSE MY doctors and MY health care! This is taking MY voice away! How can the government know what is best for the country?! Unless they are all doctors, how can they tell me what kind of health care I do or do not?! Please...Explain
Those who cannot take generic drugs because they are allergic to them, what are they supposed to do?! Die because of an allergic reaction to drugs?! RIDICULOUS!! Absolutely, completely and totally RIDICULOUS!!
This is NOT okay! How blind can people be?! Please...I don't understand how the American people could have been so BLIND when they voted the "President" into office!! He DOESN'T listen! The Democratic leaders DON'T listen to the people!
I did NOT vote for this president, and I did NOT vote for this bill! Those of you who did vote for the President, this is YOUR fault, completely and totally. You now have no one else to blame but yourselves! He said he would do this and guess what...HE DID! Now what?!
Michael Steele is partnering with other republican leaders to repeal this bill...I pray with passion, and fervor that this works.
Please...Someone who is for this bill explain what is going to happen to my grandparents, who are BOTH allergic to generic drugs. Considering that is all that this bill is going to be giving, what are they supposed to do? Huh? Die because the GOVERNMENT took away their ability to get name brand drugs?! There are thousands upon thousands of people who are allergic to generic drugs, so what is going to happen to them? My family works hard for what they have, we have health care that fits US, this bill will NOT cover us like we need!
I will give the President credit, he said he would put in a health care reform, and he has, but this is NOT what the people wanted.
So way to go America, for voting in a President (by 60%) who put into an action a health care plan that you did not want
Way to go Congress, for not listening to the American people...
I pray to God for everything that is about to happen in this country.
Here's the thing...I am an American. I WANT to support my government. I don't understand this bill at all, I don't understand how this could have passed, when it is against the CONSTITUTION!! It is against the LAW OF THE LAND! How can they do this?!
I am afraid of my government. As an American citizen I should NOT be afraid of my government. I should feel protected, and safe under the rules and laws that are passed. Right now I feel nothing but weak, sad, helpless, and scared.
I AM officially going to law school and I WILL be involved in politics, whether that be by being a Senator, a Congresswoman, or something. I WILL do my best to keep things like this from happening EVER again. Whatever it takes.