Day 11 (3 days since last post)
In - bra, shirt, prayerbeads
Out - 10 books
3 (days) + 3 (items) - 10 (books) = -4!
Books. *sigh*
I was kind of horrified by the Peter Walsh guideline from a couple of days ago - toss 1 in 5 books! But! But! I love my books! However, I knew that my strong reaction probably meant I needed to reflect on it. So yesterday, as I had my coffee at the kitchen table, and was leafing through an old, favorite cookbook, I had a long look at the cookbook shelf.
"But I don't want to get rid of cookbooks," I thought. "I love cookbooks, I collect cookbooks, and I've gotten rid of some twice in the past few years."
I looked at the shelf. Counted the cookbooks.
Following the guideline would mean saying goodbye to 10 cookbooks. Ten! That's a lot. But as I looked through them, I remembered a conversation I had with
nezumiko earlier, about how I read Moosewood recently, and there's nothing I can foresee cooking in it anymore save the popover recipe. So I took my courage in both hands, copied out four recipes into the little coil bound recipe book; and packed 10 of my cookbooks into a bag.
And it felt great.