Mar 08, 2007 14:12
today on npr they were talking about bird flu and what corporations are doing to insure their employees' safety. this was news to me, as i did not realize people were still actually worried about bird flu. bird flu seems like one of those things that people don't actually worry about (too much) anymore despite it being a threat of sorts (nukes come to mind). i mean i'm not saying that it's gone or that it's not still something to worry about (though it's probably not)...just seems like some people were probably sitting around the newsroom @ npr and somebody went "hey, what ever happend to bird flu?" and they took the idea and ran with it. kinda reminds me of the old "what's up with..." stories from the kansan. same applies to blogs: they're just not really news anymore. (though in the case of blogs they were never really news to begin with. except for mine. mine is always newsworthy.)
and another thing i was thinking about: the ability to unscrupulously crop digital photos has surely led to an increase in wanton shutterbuggery. think about how many myspace pictures people have been cropped out of with no regard for said individual's feelings. how would you like it if you didn't make the cut? i imagine this must be the cause of endless amounts of drama in grades 7 - 10. (for the record i have not to my knowledge been cropped out of any pictures as of late).
stay tuned for an update in mid-april when you can walk into any bookstore (or record store) nation wide and see my name in a magazine. huzzah!
i will be spending the weekend in beautiful tulsa getting drunk at the wedding and acting as clergy, though not necessarily together or in that order.