Hello Good Readers,
Thanks to the largess (is that really the word I'm looking for here. It's close enough. I'm really using it because I like the sound of it. Say it with me, "Largess." No you have to use a sweeping hand motion. "Largess." See. Isn't that fun? I just love the sound of that word.) of
stecciem I got to see
Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I didn't write about it last night because I didn't have the words. I thought maybe a night's sleep would help. Nope. First off I didn't really sleep. Secondly I am teh stoopid. Last night all I could think of was "awesome". Today I've expanded that to "Made of awesome" and "It was turned up to 11". Suffice to say any description I might come up with would fall short of the mark. This is a show that must be experienced. I was thinking of buying a CD or DVD but I would get arrested for disturbing the peace if I turned it up to match the show.
Oh, and
stecciem? She's also made of awesome. Just a different kind. Hers is a bit more subtle. And less likely to induce seizures. Well there was that one time..... never you mind about that time. That's for her and I to share privately. ANYWAY, Thank you My Dear. I had a great time.
Until next time....
Now that I really think on it, largess is the word I was looking to use.