May 24, 2011 05:17
Fun game but the interviews/interrogations often require making a leap of logic that makes an Olympic long-jumper look like Louie fucking Anderson!
"Ah, want to disprove the gaudily-dressed jive-talker's denial of being a pimp with the presence of the badly-beaten hooker he's holding on a leash? WRONG! You're supposed to do it with the moldy ham-sandwich you found in the old lady's icebox on the other side of town! What's wrong with you?"
I mean, who wrote these dialogue-trees, Roberta Williams after someone spiked her Geritol with pure LSD?
L.A. Noire serves as a perfect example of the fine line between "Challenging the player" and "Being a fucking dick".
During interrogations/interviews, you have a choice between 3 responses, "Truth", "Doubt" and "Lie". This means your chances of success are approximately 33.3% This is a challenge, this is good.
But suppose you choose "Lie", you're then forced to choose which particular piece of evidence disproves your interviewee's claim. Suppose you have 8 pieces of evidence to choose from. Your odds of giving the correct response are then reduced to approximately 4.16%.
At that point a game's developer might as well change his name to "Richard McRichardson" and walk around with a sign around his neck reading; "WARNING: I have a history of having yogurt erupt from my mouth during moments of excitement."