A tragic saga

Jun 24, 2005 18:22

Today evil lurked behind the curve of every corridor and was encapsulated in every utterance of the boss. First my alarm clock rudely and might I say harshly shocked me into existence at 6:15 am--which shouldn't even be legal. I was at work by 8:15 am and already annoyed at life. I had already had to call my mother because on the drive to wokr I realized I had left the hair straightener on in my room and I figured burning down the house would not be a good thing--then my cell phone died, just outright bit the dust. I carried my backpack and godforsakenly heavy laptop from "I'm a shitty low level employee parking lot" into work. When I finally reached my bosses office I was greeted with a locked door (he was still sleeping). Ok, I can't really villainize him there as he had very good reason to still be sleeping, but nonetheless this story is about evil, so I will villainize him all I want. I put my stuff down in another room because much to my joy I realized I had lost my hospital nametag/security clearance along the way--it was at the foot of my front driver side tire. Then I walked back to work. So I sat in a dark room for a while staring at MRIs and updating a database. Then I wen to the MRI building to work on another project. Not two minutes into my visit to MR was I accosted by the most annoying Cambridge graduate on the planet (don't they teach charm at schools like that?). He wanted me to help him find spectroscopy on patients, which no, I didn't really have time for, but who am I to say no to the Cambridge graduate research genius. Of course I helped. He smelled like wet dog too. When I was done I went to the computer room in MR and converted analysis files to Excel. Not 20 or 30, but probably 400. *Open, Scroll, click, click, erase, type, click, Save* times 400! By the time I finished i was 12:40 and my "doctor's appointment" was at 1:30 so I went back to my boss' office to wrap things up. He wasn't there so I paged him and hunted him down. I helped him out for a few minutes and reminded him I had to go to an ahem, "doctor's appointment." So my plan was to go to the beach, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I did my work, now leave me alone. So he said I could go, it's 1:15 by this point, if I had had an actual appointment I would have been late, thanks a bloody lot. On my way out he asks me to call him after my "appointment." He knew that my cell phone wasn't working, so I kind of mentioned that again to which he stared at me blankly, so I told him I would try to get to a phone. My plan, foiled. I couldn't go to the beach--what was I going to do, fashion a sand castle phone and call the man with the waves crashing as background noise? So I drove home fuming, got a burrito (the one good thing to come out of today), waited a bit and called him. The man actually sorta suggested I come back in to work. I thought my head was going to explode. I made a phone call he asked me to make and thank the lord, the man wasn't there so there was no reason for me to go back to work anyway. Later my mother tried to convince me that this is just something I need to get through. Her logic is that I should be happy that I get to spend 8 months in Montreal and only have to be in SD for the summer and not vice versa. Nice logic, except isn't the reason that I kept my grades up all through high school and did so well so that I could go away to a good school for college. I paid those dues already. Don't use that logic on me--I'm too pissed off apparently.

On a happier note, I'm also going into work one day this weekend.

Conclusion: I need better lies to get out of working.
P.S. I already tried the truth, it didn't work. No beach for me that day either.
P.P.S. Stephanie, I didn't curse once this entire entry (and it's a long one). I have controlled the anger, in that sense at least. I want to be a moderately happy person again. Sigh.
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