Nov 19, 2022 20:48
So... this might be a silly thing to do to come back here. I havent posted here in 12 years. reading my older posts here I am SUCH a different person, and some of what is here is super embarassing. Also its patently absurd to think this would be a viable (polar opposite) alternative to Twitter and yet, thinking about the changes to social media over time I thought back on what platform I was a part of that felt the most... like what I want social media to be, and it was Livejournal. Facebook COULD be that if it werent for all the Zuckerberg feed fuckery, and the fact that people seem more inclined to post the words and thoughts of other people instead of themselves. I miss longform blogging. I miss putting my thoughts all down. Why then did the death of Twitter (Trump being allowed back on was the final straw for me) move me to come back here? Dunno. What I do know is that I will not miss editing myself down to limited characters. Of course with only one friend who is still checking this.. it is sort of like shouting my thoughts into the void. But maybe that is what is healthy.