thoughts on standards in public life

Oct 24, 2008 19:24

i've been thinking about standards, and specifically, is there an act of depravity after which one just shrugs ones shoulders and after which any other act has no impact?

would you like to know how i wondered about this? i thought you would. lets just say the order was:

shagging sarah palin begets shagging on the still-warm carcass of a recently killed moose begets moose entrail bondage.

at what point would the mental shrug appear? can you think where to take this next? i suppose there's nasal flossing with ligaments, but that could lead to a involuntary septumectomy.

i miss podcastng with popsimon - that's probably the more appropriate forum to explore this.

I am not drunk. yet. I intend to be though. and them tomorrow i need to get an eye-test to see if i need glasses.
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