just a discussion about libraries; nearly all
<lj user=">'s work:
so_hat_yiI just had an idea for a new TV show/film
it's called "The Silent Cottage"
uncleDisgustinggo on...
so_hat_yia group of us, maybe 20 or so
one by one file into a library in disguise
and masturbate
if you get thrown out, you change disguise
the aim would be to have all 20 in there at once and get in the papers
and blog the phenomenon
uncleDisgustingextra points for cracking one off into different books
so_hat_yithe end goal is to get the library a reputation for being a place to go and watch men jack off
the soundtrack would be silent movie piano music
uncleDisgustingof you took your semen in in a syringe, then you wouldn't acrtually be guilty of masturbating in a public place
so_hat_yiand the fapping noises
uncleDisgustingextra points also for how many times you blow your load
so_hat_yiending with a black and white title card "FIN" written in dried semen
we should dig up Dali
he'd have buy in
uncleDisgustingthat only shows up under blue-light
so_hat_yithis is why I stay away from clubs
I glow like I'm radioactive
anyway, off to the gym to see if I can get thrown out masturbating while doing aerobics