LJ bitched and said the post was too long. LOL
The Main Set
Set List: (as far as I can remember, correct me if I’m wrong)
0) Art Drawn By Vomit
1) Agony
2) Hyena
3) Filth in the Beauty
4) Burial Applicant
5) Ganges ni Akai Bara
6) Sugar Pain
7) Calm Envy
8) Gentle Lie
9) Taion
10) Chizuru
11) Nausea & Shudder
12) Swallowtail on the Death Valley
13) Cockroach
14) Circle Of Swindler
15) Mob 136 Bars
16) Discharge
As far as I can remember (I wrote it down leik, after we left the bit with their tour buses at midnight LOL) that was the main set. Feel free to correct me if order is wrong, or if I missed out something or whatever.
Art Drawn By Vomit
MY GOD. When this came on, the lights were all over the place and the crowd was crazy, screaming for the first 15 seconds or so. But as soon as the first “hey Jesus” came out we were all singing along. I think some people were clapping, and then some people (like me) just sang along with the “hey Jesus” but we were so excited we couldn’t do anything else.
UNFORTUNATELY, I could not see the stage at all. So when everyone started screaming because they came out on stage I couldn’t see them at all. I just screamed and cheered along with everyone else.
They were all out on stage and Agony started up. And at that moment I nearly cried because I was really there. XD Everyone was all *hands in the air* and stuff, but I STILL hadn’t seen anything. I could hear them playing and Ruki’s voice. Then in got into the song and we were all jumping up and down and I caught my first glimpse of Ruki. The first thing I thought was “Omg, he’s real... he’s real!”
So, although this didn’t happen all during this song, throughout the night I studied Ruki’s outfit when he stood up on his little stand at the front of the stage. I could only see his top half, but if I remember rightly, his jacket was undone and SPARKLY. And it was amazing. I can’t remember if he was wearing his visor. ROFL But I do remember this: Ruki is the most beautiful man in the world. He was just gorgeous. Pictures do not do him justice. He’s my second favourite (behind Reita) but at that point him and Reita were kind of fighting for first place. XD But I hadn’t been able to lay eyes on Reita at this point, so I was just going by the impression Ruki had left on me. I can’t get over how beautiful he is in real life. And his voice is so much better live as well. Honestly. The recordings are absolute shite compared to the real thing. XD
And we were all jumping up and down. We didn’t care for anything at that moment. We were there. And it was amazing. We all stilled suddenly as the verse came in, our hands up in the air and waving with the beat.
“You said to me so. "Please love until dying..."” everyone was singing along with Ruki but all I could manage was the “DA DON VIDIVI DA DON”. Even then I could barely get it out.
At some point during this I spotted Aoi for the first time. My God, I hate his hair in all the photos but when you actually see it... it’s great. : D I loved it! XD It really suits him I think~
“OH SHIT!” Ruki sang and we sang back “It was done too much!”
“OH SHIT!” “Oh pardon me!”
“OH SHIT!” “It was done too much!”
“OH SHIT!” then all of us with Ruki sang “DON’T COME NEAR ME!”
And it was perfect. It was like it was meant to be that way, with Ruki and all 800 of us singing along too. It’s that kind of song. It needs all those voices. Doesn’t matter whose voices they are, but they were ours that night.
I managed to watch Ruki for about 10 whole seconds before the guy in front got in my way again. So I just enjoyed the music and jumped about. XD
It went straight into Hyena after Agony (or at least I think it did. I can’t remember, so please correct me if I’m wrong) and we all screamed and cheered happily. Hyena’s not my favourite song to listen to, but I’d have to say that at a GazettE live (although I’ve only been to one) it would be a favourite for me. <3
We all sang along (but I didn’t know all the words so I just sang the bits I knew) and jumped up and down and waved our hands about.
Ruki’s voice was very much love on this song. XD If that makes any sense at all...
I don’t know how to explain Hyena. I don’t really remember much of it to be honest because I was jumping about and waving my hands like a total loony but so was everyone else. I also couldn’t see very well, and I caught a glimpse of Reita and squealed inside. XD But I didn’t see him properly. And I still hadn’t seen Uruha or Kai.
But it was awesome. <3
Filth in the Beauty
When the female chorus bit started up we all screamed. We sang along with it and I felt a sense of pride that we were at the first UK GazettE live and we were singing FitB. Somehow, it was just a highlight of the night.
Again, couldn’t see very well. Part way through I had a good view of Aoi so I watched him while we were all singing along.
I began listening more to the instruments instead of just Ruki’s singing. ...I don’t know what to say really. I could say all stuff in praise of them, but I was so excited at this point that how well they played didn’t soak up in my head. Even if they were playing it completely wrong, it was amazing because we were there.
But anyway, FitB was certainly one of the best songs of the night. <3
Burial Applicant
There was a short (I mean very short) pause between songs while there was a bit of equipment sorting out (I think? XD) and then they launched into Burial Applicant. Again, I screamed because they were playing another song that I loved to bits.
So we were all head banging and stuff to it. To be honest, I can’t remember exactly what we were all doing and when. I know I just waved my hands a lot because I had really gone all out on the jumping during the first 3 songs and well... I’m not made for lots and lots of jumping. XD
I remember how proud I was of all of us during the chorus when we all sang along.
“Is it wrong? kotaete misete” and then you know how there’s the little kind of echo of misete? Well, we all sang that back to them. <3
And at some points during the chorus Ruki just held his microphone out to us and we all sang with all our might. Or at least I sang with all my might. I think in my excitement I got the words wrong. LOL
During the last chorus I had a really good view of Ruki. I watched him as I sang along and I nearly cried again. XD He is just... amazing to watch. Honestly. I hope they release a European DVD and include the London performance of Burial Applicant because... well, Ruki was probably like that during all the performances of Burial Applicant, but the London one will always be special to me. <3
Ganges ni Akai Bara
This song and I didn’t get off to a very good start the first time I listened to Stacked Rubbish. And in a way... you could say it replaces Akai Wanpisu in a live show. And I love Akai Wanpisu. XD
Thanks to the live, I’m seriously reconsidering by views on this song. It was awesome.
Before they started the song, they took about a minute while Ruki got handed a (fake?) rose from a staff member which he delightfully played with during the song. In the first chorus (I think) he threw it into the crowd. And I was rather near to where it went. DX I would’ve loved to have had that.
But anyway, I was so excited about the guitar solo that I didn’t pay attention to Reita’s little bass solo. T_T
But yeah
I had a good view of Ruki all the while he had the rose, but after that someone got in my way. I watched Aoi a bit. He’s really graceful. XD I think I got my first sighting of Uruha in this song. I was like “URUHAAA~~” but in my head because I was too busy dancing along and stuff to scream his name.
Plus, my throat was already dying and we were only a few songs in. XD
Sugar Pain
One of my favourite songs at the moment, and really not one I expected them to play! So you can imagine my excitement when it started. Me and Shannon were side by side at this point and I still had a shite view. XD but I turned to Shannon. “OMG SHANNON! IT’S SUGAR PAIN!”
I guess you could still call Shannon a casual fan (even though she’s obsessed with Kai) because she hasn’t listened to the majority of GazettE’s music. XD but yeah, she was loving every moment of it. I could tell.
So I sang along, and when Ruki goes “prohibited education”, we all went “prohibited” and then he went “education”. Either that, or I just didn’t hear him go “prohibited” most of the time. XD
But yeah, I was singing at that bit and this guy in front turns round and shoots me a weird look and I’m all “Wut? I’m singing along” and then I started head banging like crazy. Part way through this song I managed to get trapped between some people and I seriously couldn’t put my arms down. So I started laughing XD
Ruki’s voice, whenever I listen to the studio recording, in Sugar Pain is beautiful at the chorus bit anyway. I seriously love it. <3 But when you hear it live... it is so much better! Honestly! But don’t go watch a live recording of it or whatever, because the DVDs do NOT do it justice!
I will stand by this forever: Ruki has the best male singing voice I have ever heard.
Calm Envy
I can’t remember, but I think Calm Envy was next.
Anyway, it started up and I was still with Shannon so I turned to her and I was just all “awww~~~” because I love this song.
Practically the whole crowd sang along.
“I want to see all of you, I want to love all of-“
Ruki’s voice is, once again, lovely in this song. *o*
I don’t know what to say, I was kind of overwhelmed by everything at that moment. I let the crowd, who were swaying a little bit, sway me with them.
I just listened to their music... and I didn’t care that I couldn’t see them, because their music was there. <3
Gentle Lie
Umm... Gentle Lie might not have been here. I can’t remember! XD;
I had a half decent view of Ruki for some of this one and I was very much <3. I didn’t know the words, but everyone around me was singing.
What I really remember about this song is “Please give me a gentle kiss”...
I was watching Ruki while he sang this and I nearly cried again. XD (oh yes, there was lots of nearly crying... in fact I’m very close to tears now just thinking about how amazing it was XD).
And the “no, no, no”... gah... I had to put my hand up to my face to stop myself from crying. It proves that you don’t have to know what a song is about to be moved by it. (I can never remember the translation at all XD) Ruki’s voice does all the emotions that are lost by the fact it’s in a different language. I’d much rather have emotional Ruki, then crappy translation. :] (not that the translations are crap, but Ruki’s emotions are much better at conveying what it means. I couldn’t even tell you want it means.... but Ruki could with his voice. :])
I guess I’m sounding very Ruki fangirly at the moment. WELL, I could only see Ruki most of the time. My view of Reita was very restricted, and Uruha was close to never appearing in view. Kai... still hadn’t even seen him! XD Aoi kept popping up every now and then and I would watch him. <3
It was all quiet on stage, and we were all screaming. Well, not all of us. Some of us heard the soft pounding, and realised Taion was about to start. Someone to my left said “ssh! Shut up! They’re trying to start Taion off!”.
Taion is always one of the songs that touch me when I watch the live DVDs but... when you’re actually there, it is so much more... moving. I tried to sing along a little bit during the verses, but all the words lost me.
I was VERY close to actually crying in this song, but didn’t actually break.
Most of the time I couldn’t see any of the guys, so I just concentrated on the music. At one point I even closed my eyes and listened to them. I remember then that I whispered so quietly “That’s it, this is the best night of my life so far”. (I can say “best night ever” because I have a problem with people saying that. You haven’t lived your whole life so you don’t know, do you? ;] )
We haven’t got the same amount of respect as Japanese crowds. XD We’re cheered and screamed and screamed but wasn’t everyone just silent when they finished this during the Decomp. Beauty DVD? Or they just clapped. I couldn’t cheer on this, so I just clapped for a little bit.
Taion to Chizuru was the song order I was really hoping for. Taion really sets me up, but Chizuru breaks me down. <3
Me and Chizuru... we have a close relationship. One of the few songs that make me cry while listening to a studio recording.
I got the closest that I got all night to actually crying during Chizuru (apart from one bit at the very very end, but I’ll go into that later. I was crying for a different reason then.)
I don’t even remember most of the song... just the end where Ruki goes “hitotsu ni narenu futari”. I love the way he sings it. He sings it live so much better. Honestly.
Nausea & Shudder
Short break, and then Ruki came to the front and started talking to us... mostly in Japanese. I couldn’t understand, so I just cheered with everyone else. XD
Then Nausea & Shudder started and I screamed with everyone else. My throat had recovered a bit (I’d had a sip of the water being passed about from the front now).
Oh yes, this was the song where finally I got moved forward and not through my own shoving either. I found myself relatively close... maybe 7 people away from the front. : D
I had so much fun during this song, though it’s not particularly a favourite of mine. I got a really good view of Aoi for a lot of it. <3 I’ve become a bit of an Aoi fangirl after last night. I could see him really well for a lot of the night.
Swallowtail on the Death Valley
My GOD. I love this song. Love it even more now. <3
It was just so fun. We all sang the female chorus while they paraded about on stage like Gods.
I don’t know what to say really. XD I don’t remember most of this song because I was very “OMFG”. But my dirty mind does remember Ruki singing “Night of pussy” ;D
When it gets to the clapping bit in the song, we were all clapping along and... XD lost for words again, sorry. I suck at reports. XD
Cockroach... love live performances of this. Got a really good view of Reita for some of this. : D
Ruki had us all jump up and down and we obeyed. And I didn’t care that my foot was really starting to hurt, or that I kept going slightly light headed every now and then. I just jumped and jumped and stopped when we were meant to and.... difhsdhfsd.
As I said, I got a really good view of Reita. And I realised just how AMAZINGLY SEXY he is. *O* This was when Ruki stopped fighting for favourite, and Reita was once again champ. He had the neck of the bass close to his head and his face... djghlksdgfoisgfiusdgsghudiu. <3
I was totally crazy with head banging in this one, and I think that might be one reason I’m suffering today. XD
Circle Of Swindler
OMG I almost forgot to include this song in the setlist. Umm... can’t remember much about it. XD But I had so much fun singing and dancing about to it. XD
Mob 136 Bars
For a lot of this song, it was so loud that I couldn’t follow it properly. XD; I just jumped about and head banged and whatever with the song and I realised I was very near the front. In fact... 3 people were in front of me or so I think. I was also trapped between about 5 very tall males. I was like “ARGH” and I couldn’t see at all so I just head banged all the time. I kept hitting my head off the guy in front. XD (sorry!)
Really fun song at a live. : D I hated this song the first time I listened to Stacked Rubbish, then it became a favourite of mine. <3 The performance of it only made it better for me.
At one point it was getting quite squished and I only had one foot on the ground. XD
At the end of the song I felt a tapping on my head and I saw Shannon’s hand above me so I grabbed it.
I got really lost during this song as to where in the song we actually were. Everything seemed to be a lot louder than the other songs had been. XD Again, I kept hitting the guy in front by mistake and by the end of the song I was back a little bit with Shannon practically beside me.
The song... so crazy. XD I kept trying to peek over people’s heads because I wanted to see GazettE head banging... but I could NOT see at all.
At the end of the song I managed to move to the side of the tall guys and was with Shannon (as I said). There was a really nice girl to my left and behind me.
Calling For An Encore
Oh ho ho~ I practically lost my voice during this. People Error played for a little while, and then all was silent apart from the crowd cheering, or mumbling between themselves.
Me, Shannon, the girl beside me and the girl behind would all cheer together, taking it in turns for a quick breather. Water was passed back in cups and since we were quite near the front we managed to actually get some before it was all gone. XD Whenever I had a cup I would either throw it at Shannon (not exactly throw, more pass with vigour so that a bit spilled onto her LOL XD;) or to the girl beside or behind me. :]
So in between shouting for an encore, me and Shannon would scream out member’s names. You know, just in case they could make it out over the chanting for an encore. We wanted to let them know they meant something to us.
I kept screaming “REITAAAAA” and Shannon went “KAIIIIII”. It was so funny. Afterwards, me and Shannon were talking about it and she told me my voice was all growly (LMAO) and I told her her’s was all weird. XD It was so funny.
The Encore
When they finally came out for an encore, we sang happy birthday to Kai for like... the third time or whatever. (The first time we sang it was during the main set, can’t remember when though. And he was adorable. He took up his microphone beside the drumkit and said “ummm... thank you very much!” and me and Shannon both squee’d XD)
I also got my phone out and ignored the “no videos or pictures” thing at this point.
Encore Set List:
1) Ride with the Rockers
2) Ruder
3) Cassis
4) Kantou Dogeza Kumiai
5) Linda ~candydive pinky heaven~
Ride with the Rockers
Okay, so I videoed a little bit of this one. About 30 seconds maybe. Not very good quality though. XD
This was the first time I REALLY got to see and study Reita. (this might end up a bit fangirly, sorry XD;) So I was watching him very carefully all the time I was cheering and screaming with the crowd. I had a pretty good view most of the time. During quiet bits I couldn’t contain myself and I had to scream “REITAAAAAA” XD
His voice... HOLY SHIT. He sounds amazing on the DVDs and stuff, doesn’t he? Trust me, he sounds much much better in real life. <3 I think he spoke mainly in Japanese too, but I remember he said “Hello” and I squealed. XD I couldn’t help myself.
So we were all jumping about and cheering along on the beat and stuff. Then I asked Shannon to lift me up. So she did! : D (THANK YOU SHANNON!!) I think Reita may have just seen me as well. : D~~
I really hope that if they do realise live footage from the European tour, that they have Ride with the Rockers from the UK. <3 MAINLY because I want to see if I’m in any of the shots. LOL
But it was amazing. <3 I was so intent on studying Reita, that I forgot to glance towards the drums while I was lifted up. So I still had seen NO Kai. XD;
OH And Reita was talking to us and I wasn’t listening properly because I was so hyped that it was Reita. I thought he said “ARE WE GAY?!” and Shannon thought he said “ARE YOU HUNGRY?!” LOL obviously he didn’t. He said “are you ready?” I think. XD
One of the most fun songs they played. I recorded a tiny little bit of it, but I was too busy dancing. XD
I don’t know what to say really. I was so happy and everything that I dunno... I can remember it, but not in a way I can write down. XD
I actually videoed the whole song. I was behind some tall people again, so it helped me to see everyone. There’s some really good shots of Aoi playing his solo. <3 And some good ones of Ruki.
I was singing along during this song and I was just so happy they played it. Cassis is probably the reason I took GazettE past 2 months of listening. It was one of the songs I heard while still trying to decide whether I really liked them or whether they were just “alright”. But Cassis MADE GazettE for me, and it’s still one of my favourites.
Anyways, it was one of the best (if not the best) song they performed. Ruki’s voice is so full of emotion, and yes he played guitar.
I remember, I saw Ruki turn around with his guitar on. I grabbed Shannon’s arm. “OH MY FUCKING GOD THEY ARE GOING TO PLAY CASSIS!!”
Uhh yeah... it was very moving. <3 I might go watch the video I took actually. XD
Kantou Dogeza Kumiai
When they started this song I SCREEEEEEAMED... and recorded some of it. The lights messed a bit with my phone, so I didn’t get very good pictures. XD
Anyway, the 2 things I remember about this song: Uruha and Aoi. Actually, I remember a lot more. LOL
Uruha paraded over to the side of the stage where we were and started totally flirting with the crowd, pulling at his shirt and everything. In person, he is not as feminine looking as you think. He’s... he’s very manly. <3 He’s always been my least favourite (sorry! XD;; ) but now... he may still be my LEAST favourite, but he is still so effing amazing. XD
Aoi came forward to stand on Ruki’s little stand during his little solo. AND HE DID THAT THING WHERE HE BENDS BACKWARDS. *dies* I squealed at him when he did it. XD
I think it was this song, but Ruki came and stood on his stand at some point and was totally playing with himself, rubbing himself and then sucking on his finger and stuff. <3 Very sexual.
Ruki also paraded to the edges of the stage and sang to the people nearer the outside, which was nice of him. I got a good view of him at some of these bits. XD
Linda ~candydive pinky heaven~
And I cried. XD Nearly, anyway. I put my phone away, because I wanted to clap and stuff.
So I was clapping along and dancing about. I didn’t see much of the boys during this song, I was just having so much fun. XD
When it was over, I really did start crying. A lot of us stood and watched them take away the equipment. I realised just how little distance between the railings and us there were and I cursed myself for not pushing further forward. XD;
So I stood against the railings and watched them un-tape Aoi’s pedals from the stage. I didn’t want to leave, so I started holding onto the railings until a guy came along. “Move away from the railings! Thank you!”
During the main set, I got hit my Ruki’s water once. It went all over my face. XD During the encore, I got hit twice. XD It’s like being bathed by a God. LOL I was singing and shouting and screaming and stuff during the second time so my mouth was open and some of the water went in and I was like “LOL”.
One time, I was REALLY close to catching one of the bottles. As in, the person beside the person next to me touched it (but someone behind them snatched it from them).
Oh, and in case you wanted to know: Ruki and Reita wore the shirt with the pink writing, Aoi wore the one with green and I never saw Kai and I don’t remember what Uruha wore.
Leaving The Venue
Me and Shannon found each other, I high-fived a couple of people and then we joined the queue for merchandise. We were halfway down the stairway when we were told there was none left, so we got shepherded outside but I didn’t know where we were ‘cause it wasn’t the way we had come in... so I was kind “AHHH~” and we walked down the stairs and stood looking at Woolworths for a moment. Then I realised where we were (having not been to London before btw) and hoped I was right as we made our way back. I was right, so we were at the bit with their tour truck and stuff. We saw my mum, said hi to her then she waited elsewhere while we stood by the bus. We watched them put the drums and stuff into their cases. THE GUY DROPPED ONE OF THE DRUMS.
Anyway... oh yeah. Then a Japanese staff member came along.
“Excuse me! Excuse me!” I kept saying until he turned round. When he did I walked up to him and held my hand up. “High five!” I said he held his up, obviously confused at what I meant. I high-fived him and walked back to my friend. “Thank you! Thanks! Arigato!” I said. XD
I think he was their manager... or someone important anyway. HE WAS GETTING ALCOHOL. He got 6 of them. I think it was 1 for him and then 1 for each of the guys. XD
Btw, there was also orange juice on the tour bus. I saw eet~
Then this security guard made us move back to the pavement and I said I’d get everyone to move back if he high-fived me. So we high-fived and then I shuffled back. He told me to keep them line. So I said I would : D
And when he left I shuffled forward a bit so that everyone could move forward again. XD
When he came back I pretended to be keeping people back and he gave me his pen. : D When I got in the car at midnight I wrote down the set list in my notebook with that pen. LOL
Anyway, we waited for 2 hours for GazettE to come out. AND THEN THEY DID... in a car. So I didn’t get to high-five Reita as I had hoped.
I only saw Kai in the car, and I waved. And, omfg, he is adorable when he smiles. XD It totally made up for not being able to see him during the live.
Anyway, then it drove off. I was speaking to one girl and she said she saw Uruha and Reita in the car as well (which annoyed me, because I really wanted to see Reita XD). Then another girl said that Aoi and Ruki were in the car as well. So they had all gone, so we went back and sat in the car with my dad.
By the way, if anyone who was speaking to me at any point during the night remembers me, say hiii~~ : D Because everyone was really cool and nice and had awesome outfits on. XD I felt very plain next to some people.