I Got Mine. You Got Yours?

Jul 21, 2009 14:05

My Charlie's Angels season 4 DVDs arrived this morning. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be a long night here at the office. :(

Luckily, I watched 8 or 10 episodes over the weekend on the nearly-last of my VHS tapes. (Some of those episodes I taped in 1999!) So I am primed and won't carp too loudly at not being able to watch the entire set tonight. It's funny, the episodes are really not that bad, if a little slow for 21st-century tastes. The cases are no more ridiculous than previous seasons, and acting is just as good (or as bad). One misses the way Kate Jackson could deliver a line, but only if you've been watching seasons 1-3 recently (which, incidentally, I have been doing).

In other news, last night, TCM decided to celebrate the landing on the moon by showing -- of all things! -- Disney's Moon Pilot (1962). This is one of the very few live-action Disney movies (made when Uncle Walt was still alive) that I have never seen. I have no recollection of viewing it on The Wonderful World of Disney or at grade school on Fridays when they showed us 16mm Disney features as a way to round off the week. As it turns out, I hadn't missed much, though there are reviewers who give it a thumbs up. It's not for kids insofar as the romance between astronaut Tom Tryon and alien Dany Saval is pretty sensual -- well, as sensual as a G-rated comedy can get. Mlle Saval nibbles on Tommy's ears a lot, and he double-takes and squirms in delight in consequence. There is a certain added modern-day humor to the whole proceedings when one remembers that Tom Tryon was a fudge-packer of the first water. Maybe that's why his career at Disney went nowhere. (Mlle Saval was a Disney discovery whose career in Hollywood went nowhere as well.) So now I can check Moon Pilot off of my must-see list -- or at least the last hour of it. No. *sigh* I guess that doesn't count. Drat!

In equally exciting news, join me in celebrating two anniversaries of one of my best friends, austinsteven. He and his hubby are celebrating the anniversary of their first date (15) and their Canadian marriage (5). Rock on, gentlemen, and many happy returns of the day.


20,000 miles 7/22/09

movies, friends, television, mileage

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