Sean, in response to your invitation to Sheffield, i'm really up for getting everyone together again, but travelling to Sheffield would be too much trouble to organize. It would be a lot easier if you and Cisty came back to Ilson for the week or something, as then, Everyone at Uni will be back in Ilson that same week too and it would be less hassle for everyone to travel again after getting back from Uni. We just think it would be easier to have two people come to Ilson than have 10 or more people travel to Sheffield.
I'm also not sure what days i'll be working until the weekend before easter week, much like Liam R so to travel to Sheffield and stay over would be probably be tight to fit in during our work schedule.
I think it would be best for you to come back here also, because you could stay much longer at your dads than we possibly could in Sheffield due to work, driving lessons and all the commitments of everyone else. I'd much rather say something and try to sort something out than not saying anything and watch it pass by.
Plus, Coral really pisses us off, so being with her in Sheffield would be like scratching my balls with a cheese grater. As, more than likely she will be there.
Like i said, i'm really up for getting everyone together, but i, like others, can't guarantee days i can make it to Sheffield to stay over. I hope you don't take this as an excuse for not wanting to get together again, the truth is we do, but it's not as easy for anyone anymore and i see it as being; it would be easier for you to name the days you and Christine will be back in Ilson and everyone working around that, even if it's just for a drink up town or whatever.
P.S. If anyone has a problem with the above, see below:-