Oct 26, 2007 05:24
2 posts in almost as many days? Practically unheard of and freaky at the same time. Since I got home (per previous journal entry) I've been going into the collection of Anime I was able to get/borrow from my friend Ed-kun. I figured to go into "Genshiken" just to see how it was and Holy Jesus...I swear I've either talked that way (re: the plastic model episode) or seen people act, speak, delve, drive you up the wall and/or do things every which way at gatherings (re: the rest of the first season.) Unfortunately I couldn't get my hands on the Kujibiki Unbalance shows or a decent connection to enjoy Season 2 of Genshiken at home.
However, this didn't stop me in my tracks. Oh, no...I had a mission. I had finally gotten into my possession the entirity of GaoGaiGar & GGG FINAL. I've seen FINAL via HK Bootleg but never saw the series and after weeping manly tears at the end of FINAL I figured I'd give GGG a go. Well, I just got done watching episode 49 sans sleep & maybe a couple hours for sustenance. The rest of the past 22 hours were spent in my recliner positioned in front of my computer so I could enjoy GaoGaiGar in relative comfort. My eyes are getting really heavy and I feel that I need to hit the sack here right quick but I figured I'd just put this up. Mostly in hope that if any of the 5 people that look at this blog like Anime and haven't seen GaoGaiGar that they'll read this:
Manly Tears were shed!
and perhaps give a second glance at seeing it instead of just keeping it in the secondary or tertiary need-to-see anime lists.
As for what I'll see next. I figure I'll go into Dai-Guard. I need to give my computer some downtime and pray to avoid having the monitor blow up due to the Hot-Blooded Courage going straight through the series & the OVA. Then I'll re-view GGG FINAL to perhaps catch a couple things I missed the first time I saw it and enjoy it the manly tears all over again.
Now if you excuse me...I have a voice in my mind telling me, "DUMBASS! Go to Sleep! I can't take it anymore!"