(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 23:34

So the other day I was waiting at a stop light. I don't know about anyone else but I like to look into other cars..see if I can catch anyone really getting into that favorite song on the radio, or in this case..bitching out their grandmother. I couldn't believe my eyes, here was this girl I'd say about 14, 15 years old and she was REALLY giving it to her grandma. At first I thought maybe she was rapping cause she had her hand in the air but at looking closer she had this look in her eye..the look of destruction and pure evil. It was hilarious..i did feel bad for the grandma though but oh well what can you do? Also, I have to say I had a fun time with Zach last Saturday night driving up ..or down to Downtown Indy at 3:00 in the morning. I also have the honor of being the reason of how Zach got saw his first true midget walking down the street. In other words, it's my fault that Zach was able to witness a true midget.
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