(no subject)

Mar 13, 2006 02:07

This weekend was a bit fun... Friday I uh..oh yes, funny story. So Friday morning I was getting ready for school and all that other good stuff, and while I was getting ready-after my contacts were in- my right eye was killing me. So..I took it out, sprayed some solution on it and gleep! there it went...into oblivion. Looked for that damned thing for a half an hour without any luck. So the whole day I was one eye blind. So after school I called Wally World and they gave me a free contact. YAY! After this expedition I went to Dereks house..where he showed me his "Awsome tactical airsoft shotgun"..the kids a bit on the nerdy side but we have fun..doing our nerdy things. On saturday morning I spent 3 wonderful hours at school from 8 in the morning to 11 in the afternoon..what fun. After this I went home and slept until it was time to go to work. On my break I went to Clark gas station and talked with Kelly..and I found out that Orion had a..well he had a bad day, which is pretty much his whole life so I guess you could say out of pity I called his dad and asked-well pretty much told him that Orion would spend the night at my house. He agreed and, that night after work Dale, Orion, and I decided to go to the Waffle House and then play some B-ball. I had fun and I know it made Orions day. I feel so bad for the kid..his father is well not really a father but an alcoholic tempermental dick which is the cause for Orions depression. According to Kelly he should be thinking of suicide if not trying in some way shape or form ways to kill himself by now. So what's the least I can do? Take him to the Waffle House and expose him to a night in the shoes of Chad? Hell, if it would give the kid something to..don't want to say "live for" but I guess it would be something like that..I have no problem spending a Sat. night with him-but enough of that. Sunday mornig I was rudely awakened by the sound of the phone..which was work telling me that I needed to be at work at 11:00..it was 11:30. No big deal.. I was at the place today from 11:30 to 8:30.Eek! Well, that's that. Have a nice week!
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