Moving up in the world; trying to ovecome cynicisim.

Sep 06, 2006 15:24

So I've accepted an offer at work to become a server At Boone Tavern. I'm not sure when it will happen; they've made it abundantly clear they need me to be an assistant/host until after the new student Workers are trained. Which is fine by me. Although more money would be nice, I'm certainly in no hurry. I'm in a transition phase right now, taking on more responsiblity (ie, working parties, training people,) while still working under the servers.

But on to the overcoming of cynicism: Judging by my co-workers and personal expriences with working there, this is going to be very hard in context to my job. A lot of people try to make it look like being cynical is the defualt positon that you're supposed to be in. You will be unhappy, so just make a big joke out of it and move on. I starting to disagree, though. Cynics don't go as low, granted, but they certainly don't go as high, either.

What really got me thinking about this was this wedding reception I worked on Saturday. It seemed like everyone was so busy complaining about how they never make enough money off these things to realize we had put on a great reception for these people and that it was something beyond the mundane stuff we usually do. I mean, why can't people stop expecting life to be bad long enough to enjoy what there is that is good?


P.S.-I'm scared shitless about being a fucking server;)
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