Jan 18, 2008 22:45
So yeah. Hmm. A fortnight off from work! No more wading through rivers of piss and scraping sanitary towels off of things. A forntnight of bliss with the one person in that I'd die to spend time with!
Only not, 'cos the reason I was taking time off isn't happening, 'cos my poor sweetness is sick and can't come and see me. Gosh, do I miss her. We were looking forward to this soooooooooooo much. My heart smashed to bits when she said that she couldn't come and then I started panicking that she was ill. Visions of hospitals and bleeping machine-y things flashed though my tortured imagination 'til told myself to calm down. I mean, if it was that serious someone on her side of her family might let me know, that Lacey was y'know close to joining the choir invisible. (I hope)
*le sigh*
Fuckin' karma -- everytime we get within spitting distance of seeing each other *bam!* life goes and blows up in our faces....
"Well you can still do all the stuff you planned to do, Rich."
"Um, no. Not really. The stuff I had vagely planned to do did kind of involve being with someone else. Kinda hard to have a romantic meal for two on your own."
"Oh yeah. I see your point...."
Heh. Well, there's always self-harm and karate training and lots of booze to fill the empty days with. Plus I got those damn big books that need reading =)
But ye gods my birthday looks bleak now. AGAIN. Having Lacey here for my birthday, well, yeah. Damn I was looking forward to that. The pinnacle of the holiday.... which we had planned to cunningly drag out to encompass hers as well (yeah it's the 20th of March, s'why it was a cunning plan =).... hehehe!
Still something may yet turn up. Hope springs eternal after all. Lacey may just turn up and go: "Haha! Hey Rich! SURPRISE!" and I'd go into squealing paroxsysms of gleeful joy. =D