Stolen from Melanie

Dec 01, 2006 15:25

70 "Weird Questions"

[1] What is your middle name?

[2] What color is your mailbox?

[3] Are you available?
Nope, taken

[4] Have you ever hit a deer?
Shot a deer

[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
Home from New Brunswick..Yes many

[7] Who checks the mail in your house.
Lol I did after school..Now..I don't know

[8] Do you have a small driveway?
It's fairly big..two parts

[9] Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you?
Lol nope, mines a person laughing at me lol

[10] What do you do first in the morning.
Roll over, kiss Sarah, then go get ready for class

[11] Printer brand

[12] Do you enjoy fighting with people?

[13] Is your hair naturally straight or curly?

[14] Who was your kindergarten teacher?
I didn't go to kindergarten.

[16] Are you taller than your mother?
Lol yeah, I am the tallest in my family

[17] Do you have a favorite word?
Not really

[18] Are you Good in school?
Can be..when I try..So far so good I guess

[20] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
No because I can't read them..Stupid eyes!

[21] Does anything hurt on your body right now?
Yeah, my knee and foot from hockey yesterday

[22] Do you often cry during a movie?
Rarely but it has been known to happen

[25] Do you hate your life?
No I am really enjoying life right now

[26] Do you get mad easily?
Nope...Well it depends..I do have a tempter

[27] Do you smoke?
Not cigarettes lol

[28] What is your biggest pet peeve?
I don't know..Not much fases me...Maybe my roommate lol

[30] Do any of your friends have kids?

[33] How many years older than you are you willing to date?
Lol 30 is my high...I won't go higher then thats like...12

[34] Do you have any friends?
Of course I do

[35] Do you have any mean friends?
Some are, but their my friends so I still like em

[36] What is the ugliest color in your opinion?

[37] Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldn't stand?
Lol yeah..Dated a few people like that too

[38] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?
Oh yeah..Driving home some nights I'd get that feeling all the time

[40] Do you itch your ears?
If they're ichy...

[42] What brand are the pants/jeans you're wearing right now?
Nike shorts

[43] How tall are you?

[45] What is on your feet?
White and gray ancle socks

[48] Do you want to have kids?
Yeah I do

[49] What is the brightest color you're wearing?
White I guess...

[50] Who is the friend you have that you would never have
expected to know?
Umm I don't know..I have many wierd friends..

[55] Do you like your dad?
As a day yes...As my boss, no

56] Do you have any TV shows on DVD?
Family Guy: Season Four...That 70's Show: Season 1

[57] Are you wearing make up?
Lol no

[58] Do you have a tattoo?
Yes, 2

[61.] Do you know how to draw?
Paint by numbers only lol

[64] Who did you last IM?
Sarah, saying have a nice day in class

[65.] Do you work a lot of hours?
I do sometimes

[66] What do you do when you are stressed out?
Homework..It's the best time to do it

[67] Who was the last person that called you?
My mom

[68] Is there anything you regret?
Never have regrets

[69] Do you know where your family name originated from?

[70] Is there an animal that creeps you out?
Lol nope, I don't really get creeped out by animals

Only 8 more days everyone until I come home! Yay!

Happy December everybody!
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