
Nov 18, 2009 13:48

NAME: Ella Friel
SERIES/SOURCE: Ella Enchanted
AGE: 15
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Student

BACKGROUND: Eleanor "Ella" Friel was born and raised in Hollywood, California to Peter Friel and Eleanor Friel, Sr. Their family was well-to-do thanks to Peter's job as a talent agent; they lived in a mansion and had servants and cooks.

Ella had an ordinary enough upbringing for an upper-crust white girl in Hollywood. Peter was rarely around, so most of the time it was just Ella, her mother, and the servants. Ella went to a normal school, had normal friends, and had to help out with chores at home. Her mother was a kind soul who didn't want Ella to grow up spoiled, and for the most part she succeeded. But even if she didn't feel entitled to material possessions, she felt entitled to something: Knowledge. Ella was a nosy, inquisitive child, always asking questions and demanding answers, sometimes to the point of irritation.

On her thirteenth birthday, disaster struck. At her birthday party, which all of her classmates were attending, the family's cook, Mandy, set a slice of cake down in front of her and said simply, "Eat." Ella dug in, then grabbed another slice on her own once she'd finished. And once she'd finished that slice she was full, but she had to keep eating, so she took her fork to the cake itself. People laughed, but Ella was terrified; she couldn't stop herself. Once her mother realized what was happening, she said, "Stop eating, Ella," and Ella stopped. Ella retreated to her bedroom, and the party ended soon afterward.

After some questioning and testing of Ella by Mandy and Eleanor, the three of them realized that Ella was unable to resist a direct order. A request or suggestion could be ignored, but a command was impossible to disobey. Mandy, who was herself a mutant capable of telekinesis, realized Ella must also be a mutant; what other explanation could there be? Without another word, Ella was unenrolled from school, and rarely ventured outside anymore. Orders were just too difficult to avoid -- everywhere she'd turn, she'd see a billboard telling her to drink a particular brand of soda, or a TV infomercial telling her to donate money to starving orphans. She was able to manage, though, with the help of her mother and Mandy -- and the other servants, who were not informed of her handicap, but simply told not to phrase requests as orders around Ella. In addition, Ella's mother ordered Ella to tell nobody about her mutation, though she wouldn't have anyway.

And then, shortly before Ella turned fifteen, she and her mother both came down with a terrible flu. Ella recovered. Her mother did not. After that, Ella's father began spending more time at home, though he didn't seem to care one whit that his wife had died. He grew tired of Ella's nosiness and clumsiness, and decided to send her off to a high-class boarding school with the two daughters of his new fiancé Olga -- Hattie and Olive. Ella was horrified, especially since Hattie was a selfish bitch and Olive was a simpleton. Even before the three of them were to leave, Hattie found out about Ella's "problem" and took joy in bossing her around, even going so far as to force her to end her relationship with her best friend Areida. Mandy refused to stand for this, and got in contact with an old acquaintance, Professor Charles Xavier. He had recently opened the doors of his school to the public, so Mandy helped Ella pack up in the dead of night, and shipped her off. To Peter, it would look like Ella had simply run away.

PERSONALITY: For a person cursed to obey any and all commands, Ella is surprisingly spunky and strong-willed. She keeps her mutation under wraps, of course, but aside from that she's outgoing and friendly and highly (almost annoyingly) inquisitive, so long as one hasn't done something to piss her off. She has a quirky sense of humor, and can't stand stuffy, stuck-up attitudes; she prefers to spend her time goofing off. She's better at subjects like English, reading, and language (she's fluent in Spanish and has been studying Japanese for a couple of years) than more "exact" studies such as math and science.

She's also a good friend. Once you're friends with Ella, you're friends for life, and she would defend you against anything. After all, Ella is extremely stubborn, and it's difficult to get her to change her mind. This has only gotten more noticeable since her curse surfaced, likely as an attempt to spite it.
APPEARANCE: Ella is tall for her age, but oddly enough, she has remarkably small feet, making her naturally clumsy. She has long dark brown hair and green eyes, and is fairly ordinary-looking as far as female fantasy novel protagonists go. She's not stunningly beautiful or hideously ugly; she's just average.
POWERS: Ella's mutation isn't a power so much as it is a curse. She must follow any command she is given, no matter what it is or who it's from. The only way it can be cancelled is for somebody to give her a contradicting command. She's completely helpless to orders of the form "Do this", "You must do this", or "I order you to do this" (and their respective negative forms, "Don't do this", "You mustn't do this", and "I order you not to do this"). Requests and suggestions will not work, only direct orders. In addition, an order that is impossible for her to carry out (such as "Jump over a ten story building, Ella") will have no effect, nor will one that makes no logical sense ("Sleep colorless green dreams furiously, Ella") or one that does not apply to her ("Refinance your mortgage!" as she has no mortgage to begin with, or "Stop beating your wife" as she has no wife and wouldn't beat her even if she did). An order in a language she does not understand will not affect her, either.

She can resist an order for a little while -- up to a few minutes -- but doing so causes her to suffer migraines, nausea, and dizziness. If she pushes it too far, she'll pass out. In addition, she cannot force herself to follow an order she herself has given.

A secondary effect of her mutation is a resistance to psychic abilities, possibly due to the unusual way Ella's brain functions. Only the most advanced of psychics will be able to get through. In general though, her mind can't be read, she can't be controlled telepathically (not that anyone would need to), and so forth. Physical psychic abilities, such as psy-blasts and psionic constructs, still work the same as ever, of course.

ANYTHING ELSE?: She probably won't be using the network much. The internet scares her ever since someone told her to "die in a fire" during a heated message board debate.
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