Doodling helps you pay attention

Mar 01, 2009 19:38

people who doodled while listening had better recall than those who didn't

clipped from blog.wired.comA Sketchy Brain Booster: Doodling

Good news, doodlers: What your colleagues consider a distracting, time-wasting habit may actually give you a leg up on them by helping you pay attention

Asked to remember names they'd heard on a recording, people who doodled while listening had better recall than those who didn't

This suggests that a slightly distracting secondary task may actually improve concentration during the performance of dull tasks that would otherwise cause a mind to wander

"People may doodle as a strategy to help themselves concentrate,

We might not be aware that we're doing it, but it could be a trick that people develop because it helps them from wandering off into a daydream.

Andrade's findings

are an interesting wrinkle on cognitive load theory: The mind has a limited amount of attention to give and, once occupied, stops processing other stimuli

it could be the reason why doodling is so much better than daydreaming

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