Who: Tokito (
tokitty) & OPEN.
When: During the chibi-event.
Where: Library for now.
Rating: PG?
Summary: Tiny Tokito is hiding.
Warnings: Angsty chibis?
Tokito didn't know where he was. It was white, and there were people, and nothing he could recognise. He'd been in a room, but the door had been open. That was definitely new. Maybe he could get out? He walked close to the wall, making his way down the hallway, but jumping every time there was a sound. Maybe they'd let him go?
There didn't seem to be an exit though, and everywhere he went there were people. He didn't know what they wanted, so he darted along before they could see him, already panting for breath. He wasn't used to running, wasn't used to this much space. And there weren't any doors out anywhere, everything just looked the same.
Finally Tokito had to stop, leaning against his knees for a moment, looking around to make sure he was alone. He walked over to the nearest door and pressed his ear against it, pushing it open an inch when he didn't hear anything. There weren't any people that he could see, so he made his way inside, walking along rows of books until finally he found a corner in the far back. He could hide there, for now. He paused for a few moments, double-checking that he wasn't being followed, before pressing into the corner and curling up. He had to figure out what to do next.