Who: Ennis (
ennisnolastname), Firo Prochainezo (
morte_e_vita), Meier Link (
myth_of_the_age), Garrus vakarian (
turian_honor), and Komui Li (
When: After
this post. Where: B-159, Garrus' room
Rating: PG, ish?
Summary: The Conspiracy for Great Justice gains a new member (possibly, depends on whether or not he brought squirrels) and a new plan to discuss.
Warnings: None for now
He'd notified Meier, contacted Ennis. All that was left to do... He sighed, mandibles flicking, and pulled off a boot, just as he had for Wrex. Opening his door, and taking careful, practiced, aim, he tossed the boot at B-160. It thwacked against the door with a satisfying sound, landing harmlessly on the floor.
Now everyone was informed. It wasn't going to be the same. He wasn't going to kid himself and think it would be. Shepard had left an irreplaceable hole, both in their ranks, and in himself. And while he still felt her loss greatly, he knew he was honestly past the self-doubt now. It hadn't been his fault, and he'd see her again. Especially if this plan ended up working.
It was the most complex thing he'd come up with so far. He and that... Katze. But with any luck... it would end up working. He just needed to work out some things with what was left of their conspiracy.
Leaving the door open, he took his usual seat in the desk chair, idly clicking away at the forums until someone showed up.