Sep 13, 2014 23:54
The conversation that surrounds the lunch table with a colleague is often filled with topics of people and their personality, extraversion and introversion. It's fun to share what I know, and as I frequent on the subject more, it helps to better understand why people behave in a certain manner. Regarding my adamant interest in this area, I'm not taken aback at a quick answer to my own question: why?
I have problems dealing with people a lot. It's not that I get into ruffles with everyone per say, I just have great difficulty in coming to terms with friends and people who get on my nerves. They aren't necessarily all bad, but there are some things I can't tolerate well. For example, a sense of urgency at needed times. It makes no sense to me to dilly dally when it's clearly not the time to do that! I get unnecessarily pissed in moments like this that I'm blinded to any possible explanation. It's only when I start reading on human behaviour do I realise that having an appropriate response simply does not occur to some people. The idea is still new and strange to me, like touching an uncomfortable cold surface, but if I get to know the reason that stems from some sort of behavioural pattern, my mind will be so much more at ease.
I consider myself an ambivert--with a tendency towards introversion. I totally do get extroverts' behaviour but it does not really mean I like it. It makes me want to drop a conversation like a hot potato when extroverts just can't stop talking about their life, their pets, their friends and family members whose names I know like the back of my hand. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I honestly don't care if your friend is dating another friend's friend. I just don't, okay?
The other day my colleagues were chatting something about allergies. It really peaked my interest but it was so hard to listen in when both of them were trying to talk on top of each other, eager to share their own experiences. Their voices got louder, they talked immediately after the other was done (or not done) and I mused--were they even listening to each other? Did they understand what the other party was saying?
I admit I have issues but it really helps me to consider who is worth telling my stories to and who I want to give a part of my life to. I'm contended even if it's only a handful of them. I have also learned that some just want to rant and they are not actually seeking my help or advice on anything and hence, I have mastered the art of saving my energy and letting myself be a complaint outlet. Am I overreacting? I don't think so and actually, I'm really just helping myself to stay sane and healthy.
Long story short, I'm trying in my own effort to see people in a better light and to learn to let things go. I just want to be happier encircled by everyone and I'm getting there.
my life,