Intergalactic Infopost Tapdance!

May 04, 2016 20:01

Okay, so I have two newbies this semester, a pair of grumpy people from not this galaxy. Nothing much has changed with the other three, but if you want to read an only slightly outdated infopost about Jono, Sparkle, and Mabel, you can find it over here!

Exciting, right?

Anyway, the newbies! Starting with my student, followed by my teacher. Because... because?

The Student: Peridot

Peridot (Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG) is....

Roughly five thousand, seven hundred and fifty years ago, aliens attacked the Earth. It wasn't anything personal at the time, really. The race that attacked, the Gems, were an empire of pseudo-magical beings who were more mineral than organic, literally. Each Gem's mind and personality resided within a gemstone, which projected a hard-light physical body around itself in order to facilitate the needs of the Gem homeworld. In order to create more Gems, these beings needed to expand their empire, to seek out planets that were resource-rich and put them to use in the building of massive Gem incubating quarries, known as Kindergartens. Unfortunately, the creation of new Gems also happened to suck the life out of whatever planet was being used to make them, leaving the affected landscape bleak, desolate, and barren.

One small group of rebellious Gems saw that there was rare beauty in the organic life of Earth, and rebelled against the Great Diamond Authority, driving the Homeworld Gems away and leaving the few remaining survivors stranded, sworn to protect the only world where they could ever really be themselves, in the name of Rose Quartz, the rebel leader who led them to their victory.

Peridot is technically one of the bad guys. At least, right now, she is. She doesn't actually want to hurt the Earth, not really. She just came here to do a job, check on an experiment that was left behind before the Homeworld Gems left the Earth, and then get back out of here again.

That kind of backfired on her.

Peridot is very green.

Yes, she's green physically, but she's also green in a good many other senses, too. She's so, so new to Earth and to the way Earth functions, she often misinterprets Earth mannerisms (like, say, humour) in ways that backfire terribly in her face later. Peridot is a Homeworld Gem, with practically no grasp on how Earth works. She doesn't understand rain. Human technology is so primitive she finds it laughable. If you introduce yourself by name, she'll assume that you are giving her the name of the type of being you are- Steven becomes 'The Steven' for the longest time, because Gems don't get unique names. Gems just are what they are, though they might have further classification so that they can discern different chips off the same block from one another, so to speak. She has no way of knowing that humans are squishy and shouldn't be shoved off of rooftops in the name of science just because she saw a ladybug take off and fly once and wondered if all Earth creatures were capable of doing so. She's a rock. Of course she's going to expect other sentients to be fairly durable.

Peridot... doesn't have a great grasp on the way humanity works and functions, and actually thinks of them as lesser life-forms. Organic life is gross, okay? This is because she has never in her life had any opportunity to learn otherwise, coming from a planet with a very structured society based on the strength and type of Gem that one is created from. This is going to almost certainly lead to a few superiority-complex clashes, but Peridot doesn't like being ignorant, especially when she's stuck in a strange situation with nobody on her side, so she'll learn to behave herself eventually. It'll be a lot of trial and error, but she genuinely wants to learn.

She probably won't push anybody off the dormitory roof to see if all Earth life can fly. I'll try to have her learn just how squishy humans are before it comes to that. She doesn't necessarily mean to harm anybody, she just wants to do her job and go home and she can't even do that while stranded on the island, but there's still a pretty extreme learning curve to deal with.

If Peridot has an interaction with one of your characters that rubs you the wrong way, please, please poke me about it. We're all here for fun and games, and I wouldn't want a thread with an abrasive triangle to ruin that for anybody. I know perfectly well just how terrible a person she can be, whether she means to be or not, and I'll be doing my best to keep interactions with her relatively not-unpleasant, but if I swing and miss, I'd really like to know so that I can be sure everyone is happy.

The Teacher: Kanan Jarrus

Kanan is....

Long time ago, galaxy far, far away. Anyone who has been in the game for more than a week is probably familiar enough with Star Wars to know about Jedi and Sith and rebels and all of that good stuff. Those of you who are familiar with Star Wars but who aren't familiar with Star Wars Rebels, A New Dawn, and the Kanan comic series, Kanan here is taken from about eleven years before A New Hope. The rebellion is kind of shiny and new at this point, at least in any organized fashion, and Jedi are a rare commodity FOR SOME REASON, ANAKIN.

Kanan's tall (6'3"), with dark brown hair (described as black in the novel, but the novel's a lying liar that lies lots), tan skin, a fairly prominent hooked nose, and eyes that are a bright blue bordering on teal DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT HIS EYES. He's got a ponytail that he started wearing shortly after losing his padawan braid, and, while he's got no moustache, he does have a beard that takes up residence mostly just on his chin, and he's prone to stroking it when he's lost in thought. His voice sounds suspiciously like that of Freddie Prinze Jr. for some reason or another, which should make for some interesting AU weekend shenanigans. He also has some pretty crazy eyebrows that make him look a bit more severe than he actually is, but they suit him just fine anyway.

He's the padawan fallen from grace in a galaxy that wants him and everyone like him dead. He's also the scoundrel who can't stop caring, who drifts from world to world trying to escape his past, who has buried his past self so deeply that he associates the name 'Caleb' with another person, a different lifetime. It's just... that other person often chews at his conscience, makes him do nice things when it would really just be much healthier for him to keep his head down and not get involved. He was described by one of his employers as "a fine pilot, an occasional humanitarian, and a somewhat tolerable houseguest." Apt enough. He works hard, but not so hard as to catch anybody's attention, and he's just as likely to tend bar if somebody needs him to cover for them as he is to be the bar's best customer at the very same time.

Through his life, Kanan goes through a few different stages, from padawan to scoundrel gunslinger on the run to Jedi knight and rebel. Kanan at this point is going to be the taking-the-odd-jobs, doing what needs to be done to stay alive, refusing to get too close to people because caring too much leads to disappointment, drinking and brawling and playing stupid, sleeping around because that's the easiest way to hide his identity, jaded guy. No, he's not going to go out of his way to get especially close to anybody, though he can be easy enough to get along with and will at the very least make easy acquaintance with most people he comes across. He doesn't come to trust easily, though he wants to believe the best about people he knows better than to put his faith in anyone but himself. He's still got a kind of tentative grasp on things like justice, which is why he does still stick his neck out for people when he sees them getting the short end of the stick, and he's still very much a good person at heart. He's just kind of a damaged one, is all.

Never let it be said I don't have a type, right?

He's only kept a few relics of his Jedi past with him. He has his lightsaber, though he keeps it hidden away and in two separate pieces, and has decided, at this point, to never put it to use. He also has a holocron with him, given to him by his former Master so that he could study the role of questions and peaceful dissent within the Jedi Order. The holocron also contains a recording of the last message he received from Obi-Wan Kenobi. "I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have Fallen with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and reminder for any surviving Jedi: Trust in the Force."

Kanan's... done a bad job of that thus far. He'll get better at it. Especially once I start putting him through his paces with his canon. Because you know with a canon like this, I'm not going to be able to resist a little bit of torture and some growing-up-the-hard-way-stray-hero-redemption-arc goodness.

He's not likely to pull out his lightsaber for a long while, while he's on the island. He's also not likely to cop to being a Jedi, if he can at all avoid doing so. He's handy with a blaster and he's good and used to running from his past, which brings me to his class!

Yeah, the worst possible way to keep the whole secret history thing under wraps around a place like Fandom is to actually be teaching a class about how to keep your secret history under wraps. But Fandom, being Fandom, really doesn't care about that sort of thing, so teaching about avoiding notice and hiding your identity is exactly what he's going to be stuck teaching. I'm mean like that.

Me! Shannon!

Shannon is....

Canadian! An animator! Currently unemployed until mid-June!

So basically I have ridiculous availability for the next month and a half, and then it'll be back to the animation mines. I live on Canada's east coast, so my availability ought to match up neatly with anybody with a daytime job on America's east coast, though I'm at least an hour in the future from most of you. I can generally be reached via e-mail- shannon.perry3d (at) gmail (dot) com or over at Twitter (I'm Shammens over there, though even Twitter won't be so reliable once I go back to work in June). And... occasionally on AIM at raspberryturk, if I remember that AIM exists. I've been bad at that lately.

ooc: infopost

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