Oct 29, 2005 01:40
It can be very hard to choose which things in life I have to let go of and which ones I need to have a strong hold on. For example, which people in life do I just need to let roll off and which people do I need to address when there is an issue or all the 'what ifs'. There's a crazy balance between knowing you can't control something (or if you tried to force it a way then it would not be beneficial) versus realizing that you can determine the way something goes and should have a grasp on it. Sure, some things are obvious, but some are not.
I don't think the taking control is as much an issue with me as knowing when to let go. I have a tendency to want to control things so they go 'right' or how I would like them to. I do admit though, there are some times when I should probably speak my mind more or react more.
Wow, keep losing my train of thought. I'll take that to mean I should be in bed.
Love you guys!