May 29, 2005 12:10
soo my weekend has been the most boring awful weekend eevverr. it sucked. and i have done nothingggg..
onlyyyyy kidding loves. letsss seeee what did i do this weekend.....
fridayyy- sarah came overrr... anddd we got ready andd walked around the pond.. then billy came and picked us up and we went to stonecrest anddd ateee at wendyss.. then we went and billy dropped me and sarah off at the movie theater and we bought our tickets andd we didnt have enough to buy three so we just bought ours so me and sarah ran in to use the bathroom and in the time that we were in there billy got back andd the movie was sold out. so we were like hmm crap. so we were gunna go see the later movie but my dad wouldnt let me bc i wouldnt be home til like 1. soo we hang out at stonecrest for a little while and thennnn we drove around.. and then decided finally to go rent a movieee so we did... anddd we met some people theree butt then came home and watched the forgotten and hung out.. then billy left andd me and sarah hung out then went to sleep..
saturdayy- sarah and i walked around the pond againn and realize thatt billy is over in my neighborhood so we like stalk him and go find his car so we know where he is anndd we walk by him like 5494534165153 timesss (wellllll maybe just two) andd then we talk to him for a little bit andd hang out on these rock thingsss for a whille.. and then sarah had to leaveee :( it was very depressing. thennn i just hung outt... then last nightt me and alex went to go see the longest yard at the arboretum and thenn we went andd walked around the ponddd (yes the third time this weekend i walked around a pond.. hah i like ponds okay shut up) anddd we hung out... and then we left. and i came home.
and thatss my weekend. so far at least.
ummmm yeahh thats about it.... comment if you wanntttttttt