(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 11:41

heyyyy well its been awhile.. this weekend was fun! friday i had soccer and then i went over to my SALies housee andd we hung out and watched ferris buellers day off.. haha thennn weee woke up and got ready which took like 2 and a half hours and then went to stonecrest andd walked around went to target, ulta, borders and wendys and then we went to the movies and bought our tickets and waited for matt and then we went to go see the ring 2... and then my dad picked us up and dropped sarah off and then i came home and hung out w/ my sister...then this morning i woke up and ate breakfast and then went to church and then came home and then went to harris teeter with nancyy anddd now im here. so thats my exciiiting weekend...

i have soccer tomrw night.. then tuesday im going shopping for a new swimsuit and hopefully my digital cammmmerraaaaa wed i have youth group then thursdayy i leave for the beach and its spring break. so hopefully this week should go by fast...

Never win first place, I don't support the team, I can't take direction, and my socks are never clean. Teachers dated me, my parents hated me, I was always in a fight ((cuz I can't do nothin' right)), Everyday I fight a .w.a.r. .a.g.a.i.n.s.t. .t.h.e. .m.i.r.r.o.r., I can't take the person starin' back at me. [[I'm a hazard to myself]] Don't let me get me. ---I'm my own worst enemy---, Its bad when you annoy yourself, So irritating, Don't wanna be my friend no more, I w a n n a b e s o m e b o d y e l s e

I wanna be somebody else, yeah

LA told me, "You'll be a pop star, A l l y o u h a v e t o c h a n g e i s e v e r y t h i n g y o u a r e." Tired of being compared to damn Britney Spears, She's so pretty, ---that just ain't me---, Doctor, doctor won't you please prescribe me somethin, A day in the life of someone else? Cuz I'm a hazard to myself, Don't let me get me......

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