9:02 PM 11/5/07 · Given the fact that the Writer's Strike is in full swing...we should probably treasure what episodes of Heroes we can get cuz eventually they're going to run out. Unless, of course, the strike ends or someone crosses the line. Although, personally I'm crossing my fingers that maybe Kring's writing is independent of the Writer's Guild.
It's not much of a hope but I love this series and I'll grasp at any straws I can that it keeps going.
- West's randomly showing up is so beyond creepy...along with the text messages he sent to get Claire's attention. I had kinda hoped maybe he was just an overeager, puppy·love·struck boy but that kinda ruined it. Definitely don't think he's with the Company anymore...although a part of me won't let me disallow that altogether.
- Hiro: why is everything so purple? Bwah·ha·hah!!!!
- Shanti Virus? Guess Mohinder's sister really was Patient Zero. Do you think that their father genetically altered Mohinder in the womb so that he would have the anti·bodies?
- Seeing Matt & Nathan in with the ruling body, literally as it seems that Midas/Bob is all that's left anymore, was very cool. Nathan had it right with the half·truths line but I think Midas (been calling him that so long it just kinda stuck in my head) was wrong to hold off from coming out with the truth right there. If the Nightmare Man (Maury is a horrible name for someone with such an insidious ability) kills him then that's it for getting to the truth.
- You get the sense I'm typing this as I watch the show? You'd be right. I type obscenely fast...with excessive spelling errors regrettably. Still, I'll hopefully catch most of those before I post this.
- Ah, so Adam is Mr. Muggles! It all is starting to make sense now.
- Hmmmm...guess I need to steal somebody's Sprint cellphone now. Maybe not, I'm not that obsessive in my fandom. Are you?
- Clearly Mr. Muggles is a perv as well. Watching young people make out...fluffy little deviant!
- West's constantly stressing the HRG tag is making him more and more suspect as a plant....oh fuck! Bennet just walked in. That's beautiful, though I'm not sure what to make of West's reaction offhand. Understandable if he's for real...maybe.
- Hiro is playing the hero part well but it seems to me that if he went back in time a bit he could stop himself from kissing the Princess. Might be a bit of a reach but it's possible. For those that know what a paradox is, he's clearly immune to the effects from what we saw with his interacting with the original future Hiro.
- Something about Kensei telling Hiro that the Princess is doomed to die really stuck a familiar chord with me. Anybody else flash on Darth Vader telling Luke that if he wouldn't turn to the dark side then maybe Leia would?
- There's a buzz going around that Adam is Kensei...which is an interesting idea but there's really nothing to support it that I've seen so far. That line he says to Hiro as the flames consume the building he's in are suspect and could lend fuel, if you'll excuse the accidental pun, to that fire...but I remain unconvinced. The only possible connection that might make it feasible is if the healing ability operates similar to Wolverine's healing factor...which retards the rate at which he ages; Logan was born in the late 1800's. The fact that my favorite mutant has a lot of history in Japan makes me wonder if Kring might not've had something similar in mind.
- I think Nikki really is Nikki. She may merge personalities with Jessica down the line but I really think it's just her right now.
- Damn Matt! A little cliche but still nice to see.
- Peter really has bad luck in keeping girlfriends. Least Caitlin isn't dead...yet.
- The assumption that Adam is Kensei aside, gonna feel really stupid is there's proof of that after I type this before this episode ends, you have to wonder if he's as bad as Midas implied. In the first season we heard from two different people, on different sides of the blow up New York plan, that some of the emo·sapiens began to lose the plan to help others and started to form their own more personal agendas. What if the same can be said for the still faceless Adam? The note he left Peter implied that the Company were the bad guys but Midas is saying that he's the bad guy. Seeing as these messages were left for Peter and Nathan separately, I see a definitive brother against brother bit in the near future.
- You know, typing and watching I just missed a chunk of the conversation between Hiro & the Princess (gonna be skimming YouTube to see if I can find it in the morning) up until she said he was truly Kensei. I caught the rest though...I've got butterflies now.
- Is it just me or does anyone else think that Bennet is being a little short·sighted here? I mean, he's seen the painting of his death and knows that Claire would have a boyfriend and that coincides with his getting a hole in the lens in a very unhealthy way. You'd think putting that fact together with the existance of an actual boyfriend would dissuade him from doing anything that would further alienate the relationship between him and his daughter, right?
- Shit...it is Kensei! Adam...whatever.
- I was both elated and blown away by Hiro'a appearance in Ando's office, it is an office now...right? That souvenier line was SQUEE worthy. However, I knew that the news of his father's death would totally take the wind out of his sails...but it didn't hit me as much as I thought it would to see Hiro take that news in. Think I might've been too happy to see him with his glasses on again.
- Hiro's father told Ando he had a very important message to give Hiro when he returned, and then Ando left to bring him his sword. Not wanting to throw off the timestream as he does, Hiro could pop up at that exact time between Ando's leaving and return. The man knew he was gonna die, even if he was surprised by who his assassin was (really thinking it was Adam...though I'm divided by the apparrant clumsiness of the kill). Maybe his discussion with Hiro, which technically hasn't happened yet from our perspective, could account for that.
- Okay, maybe Adam isn't Mr. Muggles. Or maybe he is. Anyone else notice that his hair is the same color as the dogs fluff?
Okay, out of the bulletpoints. I've got some questions and this is going to be me trying to dope stuff out before next week's episode. Caught some of what they're doing next week too so that'll figure in.
Midas tells Nathan that Peter is alive, even shows him being treated by doctors...who were more than likely drawing blood from him and conducting tests; these people do love their tests. Next week shows Peter, apparently still in possession of his memories, meeting Adam in captivity. So, the Comapny had them at some point. This doesn't necessarily say which side of things people fall, whether Adam is good or evil or the Company is..but I guess we'll see. I had been thinking it was entirely too easy to assume that random emo·sapiens were around and the only organized structure was the Company though. Given what I've pieced together from that little bit at the end and something in next week's episode, I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, that mysterious master the Haitian hinted at might just be Adam. The one that originally gave him the necklace. If that's right then it would explain why Peter's got the necklace now, if he and Adam became friends in captivity, and may also mean that Peter willingly gave up his memories.
Course, that's just a quick speculation.
Grandma Petrelli telling Nathan's ex·wife that the family has some deep hidden secret makes me wonder if she let the genetic genie outta the bad. What do you suppose that she now knows her sons might be emo·sapiens too.
This coming week we get to find out more specific details of what happened to Sylar between the end of last season and when he turned up in the middle of nowhgere with Candace. We finally get to know exactly how DL died...or if he did at all.
There was something else too but I'm blanking on it.
So many questions...given the number of things that are supposed to come out next week I'm wondering if this is going to be the cliffhanger episode before they stop showing new ones for a month or however long. That annoying thing Kring likes to do to make us sit on the edge of our seats so long begging for new episodes. Then again, with the strike and all...maybe that's for the best.
Do you suppose there's any coincidence of a massive disease taking out so much of the world's population in the future with the existance of Maya and her ability? Sure, it's likely the Shanti strain that did most of the work...or maybe there's an as yet underplayed aspect here. Maybe her power will hold a key for a cure.
Peter was listed as dead in the future which has kinda been bugging me as he has Claire's ability. The ability is constantly being listed a regeneration, often compared to that of a lizard, but that's not strictly speaking a healing ability. A healing factor, again leaning towards Wolverine, repairs any and all damage to a body...but that's not the same as a regenerative ability. All that does is keep the body whole and replace or repair damage to the physical structure. If that's accurate then Claire's power does absolutely nothing to diseases or viruses. Or, even if I'm off on that, as this virus primarily effected emo·sapiens it does stand to reason that as it can take away their abilities it might be able to neutralize the regenerative ability before it can expel the disease from the body's system.
Okay, that my 2¢ for the week. Let me know what you think.
11:05 PM 11/5/07 · Actually, just one more thing. Why does the Company need Claire anyway? They had Adam, who's ability seems identical to hers (family?) for a long time. Certaily anything they need about her ability they can get from the samples they no doubt took from him. I'm also wondering if this virus of theirs they might not've developed it from genetic material from another emo·sapien. Wouldn't it be interesting if it turned out that something in Adam was the source?
Small apology, I've since corrected this but I somehow got Adam mixed up with an identity the immortal Methos used from the Highlander series. My bad!